My father was a Jamaican (牙买加)immigrant while my mother was a white woman. They never got married

  My father was a Jamaican (牙买加)immigrant while my mother was a white woman. They never got married but I was born. However, my father never 36 his family about my existence. Whatever the case, I didn't know I was a 37 until my thirteenth birthday.
  Walking into my aunt's apartment brought a lot of emotions. What if my 38 didn't want anything to do with me because I was half white? How 39 can I learn the jokes that my family members told? Should I 40 them for all the years they didn't spend with me? My mind was full of thoughts when I was 41 to everyone, trying desperately to understand family members who almost were 42 strangers. Meanwhile, I was 43 to just remember everybody's name.
One of my aunts, who'd been quiet for most of the morning looked at me with tearful eyes. She mentioned how 44 she was for my father to have a daughter, saying,“He's always dreamt of having a daughter''. However, she then expressed her 45 towards my father for keeping the family in the 46 about me. From this 47, I have learned more about what it means to be biracial (代表两种人种的).Can I still 48 myself Jamaican even though my first time trying curry goat, a traditional dish, was not until my teenage years?
  1've become aware that no matter how much DNA you might 49 with a particular race, you won't feel truly connected if you did not 50 with that culture's customs. 1 believe this event has 51 me into becoming a more understanding person when analyzing someone's actions. I have realized that 1 am far from a 52 . I am determined to prove that Pm here for a reason by using my talents to 53 those around me. 1 have grown tn not 54 on my parents and families to tell me who I am, but 1 have understood my uniqueness and 55 my real self. I really feel proud that among strangers I eventually know who I am!
36. A. told B. said C. talked D. spoke
37. A. success B. secret C. failure D. burden
38. A. father B. mother C. family D. aunt
39. A. often B. badly C. quickly D. strangely
40. A. praise B. blame C. miss D. invite
41. A. offered B. devoted C. delivered D. introduced
42. A. complete B. strict C. kind D. helpful
43. A. pretending B. struggling C. competing D. cheering
44. A. nervous B. shameful C. embarrassed D.happy
45. A. anxiety B. anger C. excitement D. enthusiasm
46. A. hope B. regret C. dark D. future
47. A. accident B. program C. coincidence D. experience
48. A. consider B. imagine C. leave  D. teach
49. A. share B. replace C. deposit D. exchange
50. A. pick up B. take up C. grow up D. make up
51. A. frightened B. cheated C. tricked D. turned
52. A. mistake B. master C. milestone D. miracle
53. A. tolerate B. dismiss C. hate D. benefit
54. A. agreeing B. relying C. working D. passing
55. A. protected B. saved C. found D. forgiven
36. 本句考查短语tell sb. about sth. BCD虽都有“说”这一含义,但不用于此结构;
37. 根据上文,作者父亲一直没和家族成员提及过作者,所以作者对于他们一直是个“谜”一样的存在,故选B;
38. 根据下文,作者第一次被引见给其父亲的家族成员,故选C;
39. 该段几个问句表达了作者第一次见到家族成员的复杂心情。本句表达了作者寻思自己要过多久才能理解家族成员所讲的笑话,故选C;
40. 这么多年,家人都没有陪伴作者成长,要不要责怪他们?根据题意,选B;
41. 在和家人首次相见时,作者被一一介绍,故选D;
42. 这么多年没有见面,家人几乎完全是和陌生人一样,故选A;
43. 要一下子记住这么多人的名字,对作者是件难事,故选B;
44. 根据下文“He’s always dreamt of having a daughter”,可知作者的父亲应该很高兴,选D;
45. 这么多年,作者的父亲都将此事不让家人知道,所以作者的阿姨感到生气,根据语意,选B;
46. keep sb.  in the dark, 不让某人知道,选C;
48.作者十几年来第一次吃到牙买加传统国菜curry goat(咖喱羊肉), 对自己的身份心生感慨,故选A;
50. 参阅上题解析,选C;
51. 此次经历转变了作者,成为一个能够理解他人的人,故选D;
52. 根据下文“I am determined to prove that I’m here for a reason”,可知答案选A;
53. 作者决定运用自己的才能帮助周围的人,对他人有益,故选D;
54. 根据上下文,可知作者没有依赖他人来证明自己的存在,故选B;
55. 根据文末“I eventually know who I am!”,可知答案为C。
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