七年级下册基础知识当堂测 Unit 3 有参考答案

Unit 3
1.There is a river     their school and the village. 
2.Children in the countryside usually go to school    the school bus. 
3.Bob goes to his friend Jim’s home     his brother’s car. 
4.Sometimes good books are     our friends. 
5.Many people in Beijing go to work    subway. 
(   ) 1. He usually goes to school ______bike, but sometimes he goes to school ______foot.
A. with; on   B. on; by   C. on; with    D. by; on
(   ) 2. It ______them about half an hour to get to school every day.
      A. spends B. costs    C. pays D. takes
(   ) 3. —_______ do you think of English?  —It’s easy.
      A. How B. What        C. When     D. Where
(   ) 4. Students have to ______ a boat to get ______ home.
     A. take; to       B. take; /            C. takes; /         D. takes; to
(   ) 5. Our school is ________ the store _______ radio station.
     A. from; to      B. between; and       C. between; or     D. in; and
 (   ) 6. It usually takes me _________ hour to do my homework every day.
       A. a B. an C. the D. /
(   ) 7. One _____________ boy goes on a ropeway to cross the river to school.
A. 11 years old                 B. 11-years-old
C. 11-year-old                     D. 11 year old
(   )8. We have ___________ books to read every year.
A. three hundred   B. three hundred of
C. three hundreds   D. three hundreds of
(   ) 9. There is a big river between his home and school, so he takes a _______ to school
      every day.
A. bus    B. taxi    C. boat    D. train
(   )10. —_________does your father go to work?   —He rides his bike.
A. Where      B. When C. How          D. Why
(   )11. My English teacher is very good. She is like my mother _________ me.
A. to       B. for    C. with   D. of
(   ) 12. For the students in one small village in China, it is difficult            school.
A. gets B. to get to     C. to get     D. get to
(   ) 13. He often goes to work_______.
A. rides a bike    B. take a bus      C. drive his car       D. by subway
(   ) 14. —_______ does it take you to walk home from school?    —About twenty minutes.
      A. How B. How far     C. How much D. How long
(   ) 15. — ___________?            —She gets to work by boat.
         A. How does she get to work B. When does she get to work
         C. Why does she get to work D. Where does she get to work

1.How many          can you see,Jack?
2.We play soccer for thirty         in the afternoon.
3.The man goes to work and        his dog at home every morning.
4.These        are all good at playing the drums.
5.I hope your dream can come         .
1. Thank you for         (tell) me the good news.
2.How long does it take you       (walk) to the railway station?
3.Don’t       (worried)about your English. We can help you.
4.He feels very tired(疲劳的);he wants to stop         (have) a rest.
5.It is very difficult for these children       (cross) the river.
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