A new mother has thanked a lorry driver who carried her car over a flooded causeway(堤道) while she wa

Ⅰ.完形填空(题源: BBC网站 考查热点:人际关系) 
A new mother has thanked a lorry driver who carried her car over a flooded causeway(堤道) while she was in labour(分娩).
Kelly Brinkman was in labour and  1  1.2 m deep sea water to recede(后退) on the Strood Causeway from Mersea Island, Essex.  
Justin Tacey, 45,  2  to put her car on his lorry and drive  3 .  
Mr Tacey  4  through the rising tide to get her on the road to hospital,  5  her baby girl was delivered by Caesarean section (剖宫产). 
Ms Brinkman and  6  Paolo Pereira decided to  7  the island last Thursday but were  8  by the high tide. 
Ms Brinkman said, “I am just so  9  to Justin. He probably saved the baby's life  10  she was in a breech(臀部) position and well  11 . The only way to save her was a Caesarean section.” 
“We have named her Lillie. She is now fine but always  12  and joins her sister Olivia.” 
Mr Tacey, who works for Emmitt Plant at Diss in Norfolk, said he had been on the island making a  13  and was waiting for the  14  to let him cross back over the causeway. 
“I noticed a man looking  15  and we got  16 ,” he said. 
“He said his partner was in labour and he was worried as it  17  a long wait for the tide to go down.” 
Mr Tacey said he spoke to the coastguard team and  18  he should carry the couple's Ford Kuga through the water on the back of his lorry. “It took about five minutes to cross the half mile causeway  19  and carefully,” he added. 
West Mersea Coastguard also paid tribute(致敬) to Mr Tacey,  20  him a “true gentleman”. 
1.A.asking for B.waiting for C.begging for D.applying for
2.A.decided B.refused C.reminded D.offered
3.A.across B.above C.outside D.upward
4.A.inched B.climbed C.rushed D.slid
5.A.as B.which C.where D.when
6.A.friend B.doctor C.partner D.leader
7.A.get on B.get off  C.get by D.get to
8.A.prevented B.attracted  C.drowned D.covered
9.A.pleased B.confused C.nervous D.grateful
10.A.therefore B.if C.yet D.because
11.A.on the way B.in the way C.by the way  D.out of the way
12.A.frightened  B.hungry C.angry D.unhealthy
13.A.trip B.decision C.delivery D.plan
14.A.driver B.coastguard C.tide  D.worker
15.A.anxious B.curious C.aggressive D.familiar
16.A.moving B.chatting C.smiling  D.waving
17.A.made for B.looked like  C.took up  D.went on
18.A.commanded B.required C.consulted D.suggested
19.A.immediately B.freely  C.slowly  D.impatiently
20.A.calling  B.remembering C.confirming  D.admitting
I 1.B 这个即将分娩的孕妇正在等待退潮。由倒数第3段内容可知答案。
2.D  Mr Tacey主动提供帮助。
3.A 根据常识可知,从岛上离开,应该是穿过 causeway, 而且倒数第2段中的 cross the half mile causeway也是提示。
4.A 由于把轿车装在卡车上,而且还有1.2米 高的海水,所以Mr Tacey 很谨慎地开车穿过潮水。inch “谨慎移动”。
5.C 此处是定语从句,先行词是hospital,在从句中作地点状语,故选where。
6.C 根据倒数第3段中的He said his partner was in labour可知答案。
7.B 他们上周四已决定离开这个岛,但被这高潮阻止了。
8.A 见上题解析。
9.D 根据语境可知,此处应该是表示感谢。
10.D 因为胎位是臀位,即胎儿臀部朝下(正常胎儿分娩时应该头部朝下),而且马上就要出生,所以胎儿有生命危险,Ms Brinkman需要做剖宫产手术。
11.A 见上题解析。on the way 表示“在……途中”。
12.B 根据常识可知,出生几天的婴儿应该会经常很饿,这也说明她现在健康。
13.C Mr Tacey 是一个货车司机,所以他应该是来岛上送货的。
14.B 根据下文的let him cross可知,此处应指能允许他通过的人。
15.A 我注意到一位男士看上去很焦虑不安,然后我们就开始聊天。
16.B 见上题解析。
17.B 他很担心,因为这潮水似乎要等很长时间才会退。
18.D 根据下文可知,这是他的提议。
19.C 根据语境可知,这个速度应该是很慢的。
20.A 根据语境可知,此处指称他为“true gentleman”。

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