Celeste Ayala is a police offieer, from Berisso. Yesterday she was on guard duty at the Sister Maria

Celeste Ayala is a police offieer, from Berisso. Yesterday she was on guard duty at the Sister Marial Ludovica Children's Hospital when a  41  baby was brought in suffering from serious lack of nutrition.  42  the baby was described by hospital staff as “smelly and dirty”, Ayala asked if she could  43   the baby.
Ayala's colleague, Marcos Heredia, took a photo of the  44  act and posted it on Facebook, which caught fire, having gained 1 10,000 shares  45  .
“I want to make public this great gesture of  46  that you had today with that little baby,”  47 Heredia's post ,“You didn't  48  and you acted as if you were his mother. You don't care about the  41  …”
Ayala said she did not think twice about  50  the baby in need. I noticed that he was  51  , as he was crying and putting his hand into his mouth, so I asked to  52   him and breastfeed him," Ayala said.
The local fire department where Ayala volunteers in her spare time  53  sang high praise for her on Facebook. “We want to  54  Celeste Ayala who, when on guard duty at the Hospital, breastfed a young child who  55  crying, “the department wrote. “Actions like these fill us with  56  .
As a result of herselfless  57  , Ayala has been promoted from officer to sergeant, which was  58  on Twitter by Cristian Ritondo, the minister of security of Buenos Aires province. “We wanted to thank you for your love that  59  to calm the baby's cry,” Ritondo wrote. “That's the type of  60  we're proud of.”
41. A. thin B. quiet C. disabled D. wounded
42. A. Unless B. Now that C. While D. In case
43. A. touch B. see C. adopt D. feed
44. A. careful B. merciful C. respectful D. trustful
45. A. finally B. luckily C. soon D. once
46. A. expression B. love C. fun D. success
47. A. recognized B. indicated C. responded D. read
48. A. refuse B. analyze C. suspect D. hesitate
49. A. smell B. result C. illness D. pleasure
50. A. keeping B. educating C. helping D. arranging
51. A. lovely B. energetic C. hungry D. unhealthy
52. A. protect B. hug C. check D. control
53. A. also B. even C. still D. just
54. A. challenge B. congratulate C. approach D. encourage
55. A. tried B. stopped C. regretted D. arrived
56. A. pride B. concern C. patience D. practice
57. A. act B. wish C. record D. promise
58. A. evaluated B. announced C. demanded D. described
59. A. decided B. agreed C. managed D. waited
60. A. duty B. skill C. doctors D. police
41-45ACDBC          46-50 BDDAC         51-55 CBABD          56-60 AABCD
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