146.They spent most of their time ___________(润色) their articles in their spare time.

141.You should phone the doctor if you want to make an____________(预约).
142.The company its __________ (批准) to his application after 3 weeks.
143.Her article was published in the copy of the latest ___________(版) of our magazine.
144.The system is designed to prevent __________(罪犯) from offending again.
145.The editor from the International News ___________ (部门) put forward a new problem.
146.They spent most of their time ___________(润色) their articles in their spare time.
147.I think it would be more a___________(准确的) to say that the plan failed.
148.The applications ___________(处理) well were sent to the manager.
149.She is __________(地位高的) to everyone in the company.
150.She __________(不小心地) poured some hot water from the kettle on her wrist and sleeve.
151.The way that the teachers teach your children is __________(戏剧性地) different from the way you teach your your children.
152.Experts suggest you teach in the way that __________(适合) you and your child and not worry what happens at school particularly.
153.If you can understand what you can do to make your home safer, you can prevent__________(事故).
154.Please dry up the floor in case it is _________(滑的).
155.Follow the i___________(说明) for all ___________(电的) appliances.
156.Keep matches out of the ___________(达及范围) of children.
157.Fires can cause terrible damages to your home and terrible__________(受伤) to people.
158.When cooking, don’t let oil touch ___________(火焰) or other sources of heat.
159.It is strictly forbidden to take highly_____________(易燃的) goods aboard.
160.Her __________(症状) showed that she had second degree burns on her wrist.
161.You can slow bleeding by ___________(施加) pressure to the wound.
162.For many of us a proper schedule is ____________(绝对地) essential.
163.I haven’t got the films__________(使显影) yet.
164.Only if you ask many different questions will you a__________(获得) all the information you need to know.
165.How did you draw the ridiculous ___________(结论)?
166.The company will __________(安排) a taxi to meet you at the airport.
167.Tickets will be sold on the same basis as in p__________(以前的) years.
168.The restaurant __________(收费) us $40 for the wine.
169.A highly ___________(传染的) disease, is spreading all over the world.
170.Financial pressure and isolation can be __________(致命的) pressure upon many people.
171.Many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an ___________(爆发) of epidemic.
172.The policemen were on patrol when they were ordered to __________(调查) the incident.
173.The film is an openly ___________(革命性的) work in memory of Che Guevara.
174.Lack of confidence made people sell out the __________(货币).
175.The company promised to provide a network of eighty transmitters which would give __________(全国范围的) coverage.
176.I couldn’t believe that we would allow the ____________(机遇) to slip away.
177.Tom is so imaginative that he always lives in his own __________(想象中的) world.
178.She has been transported from familiar__________(环境) to a foreign court.
179.The __________(调整) of product should be guided by the market.
180.If we don't ___________(根本地) change the way we live, we will not slow the spread of this virus.
141.appointment  142.approval  143.edition  144.criminals  145.department  146.polishing  147.accurate  148.processed  149.senior  150.accidentally  151.dramatically  152.suits/fits  153.accidents  154.slippery  155.instructions, electrical  156.reach  157.injuries  158.flames  159.inflammable  160.symptoms  

161.applying  162.absolutely  163.developed  164.acquire  165.conclusion  166.arrange  167.previous  168.charged  169.infectious  170.deadly  171.outbreak  172.investigate  173.revolutionary  174.currency  175.nationwide  176.opportunity  177.imaginary  178.surroundings  179.adjustment  180.fundamentally
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