112.He __________(声称) that the young man had stolen his gold while he was asleep.

101.These papers are written almost e________(完全地) for readers interested in local events — births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sports.
102.__________(编辑) prefer to rely on people who know the district well.
103.People who are confident really seem to be naturally __________(杰出的).
104.Do not try to flee from your s____________(缺点) or cover them. Face them bravely.
105.Pay attention to your dress, display your unique physical advantages and exhibit your best ________(形象).
106.In addition, on formal ___________(场合) such as a business conference or a wedding ceremony, elegant dressing contributes to building your confidence.
107.You should break your routine that deals with the work __________ (被动地).
108.What time would be most __________(方便的)?
109.One day a stranger ___________(指控) him of committing a crime.
110.The method will make your r__________(焦躁不安的) mind at ease.
111.Instead, you should speak __________(正面地) about yourself, your progress, and your bright future.
112.He __________(声称) that the young man had stolen his gold while he was asleep.
113.The mother is __________(挤) some juice from an orange.
114.You can get burned by ___________(多种) of things.
115.I think you should have given first ____________(救援).
116.Let's give first aid to those who suddenly fall ill or get i____________(受伤).
117.The police are looking for the man who has been ____________(中毒).
118.Letters of congratulations ____________(涌来) in from all parts of the country.
119.He is the ___________(温和的) man you could wish to meet.
120.The more he thought of it, the more_____________(不能忍受的) it became.
121.Even though it was a ___________(复杂的)problem, we had to handle it quickly.
122.It is the __________(伤害) from breathing cigarettes that has led to the invention of e­cigarettes.
123.The suspect didn’t_________(否认) his crime.
124.He was a g__________有天赋的) student in science and technology.
125.The president of the university __________(批准) his appointment to the department.
126.Hie family were delighted with his choice of p__________(职业).
127.The e- cigarettes are also ___________(可获得的) in various flavors and varied nicotine levels.
128.The cigarettes are in a fine pack and they are d__________(持久的).
129.Teaching the little girl how to ski is a p_________(痛苦的) process.
130.The editor emphasized that the article needed further __________(打磨).
131.The news reports from the journalists of radio and TV station need to be _________(简明扼要).
132.Some of the _________(值得赞美的) wartime journalists lost their lives in order to i__________(告诉) people of the true situation.
133.My __________(任务) today was to fill the fridge with meat and vegetables.
134.He had never seen such a ___________(技术上) accurate drawing of the building.
135.They are called the __________(原始的) sources because they tell us what it was like at that time.
136.They often take __________(摄影师) with them who give us pictures of events.
137.At 8 o’clock in the morning he was opening his __________(珠宝) shop for business.
138.__________(目击者) said it was the best football tackle they had ever seen.
139.They are ____________(在环境方面地) friendly.
140.D___________ (处理) for the cigarettes have also been invented so that there are no harmful smoking bits and pieces carelessly thrown away which pollute the environment!

101.entirely  102.Editors  103.outstanding  104.shortcomings  105.image  106.occasions  107.passively  108.convenient  109.accused  110.restless  111.positively  112.claimed  113.squeezing  114.varieties  115.aid  116.injured  117.poisoned  118.poured  119.mildest  120.unbearable  

121.complicated  122.injury  123.deny  124.gifted  125.approved  126.profession  127.available  128.durable  129.painful  130.polishing  131.concise  132.admirable, inform  133.assignment  134.technically  135.primary  136.photographers  137.jewellery  138.Eyewitnesses  139.environmentally  140.disposals
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