41.However, the southern part of Ireland was __________(不愿意) and broke away to form its own governme

21.The points made by the authors confuse rather than _________(澄清) the issue.
22.A list of his inventions ___________(揭示) a man of many talents and interests.
23.How many countries does the UK ____________(组成) of?
24.Sophie learned to cook Chinese food with the help of __________(内行的) chefs.
25.But the hypothesis is rather a_________(不切合实际的).
26.Tropical rainforest has__________(进化) over millions of years to turn into the incredibly complex environments     they are today.
27.The terrible meeting s__________(表明) bad preparation.
28.I was so interested in these new ideas that I _________(吸收) them without thinking.
29.No one is to leave this building without the __________(允许) of the police.
30.Fingerprints l_________(联系) the suspect to the crime.
31.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water__________(供给) be examined.
32.Apart from the _____________(构造) mentioned above, you have also learned other phrases.
33.Only by shouting and waving his hands was he __________(注意到).
34.Sadly, it has taken only a century of human _________(干预) to destroy what nature designed to forever.
35.Here, read this sentence. It doesn’t seem to make s__________(意义).
36.C_________(消耗) of everything on the planet has risen.
37.In 2001, the World Resources Institute __________(估计) that the demand for rice, wheat, and corn is expected to grow by 40% by 2020.
38.It is still the __________(热带的) forests of the world that supply the bulk of the world's demand for wood.
39.In fewer than fifty years, more than half of them have fallen____________(牺牲品) to fire and the chain saw.
40.It is estimated that the Amazon alone is v__________(渐渐消失) at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year.
41.However, the southern part of Ireland was __________(不愿意) and broke away to form its own government.
42.To their __________(称赞) the four countries do work together in some areas, but they still have very different     institutions.
43.He earned enough__________(学分) for his degree.
44.No ___________(赊账) is given to this restaurant.
45.How did you __________(等分) this line into 20 equals.
46.The first _________(入侵者), the Romans, left their towns and roads.
47.The Vikings __________(影响) the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England.
48.The old __________(电的) fan has broken down. We’ll buy a new one.
49.Nobody on the sightseeing tour wanted to talk to us. They were so__________(不友好的).
50.Jason is so ___________(没有耐心的) that he will not wait for a bus. He always calls a taxi.
51.I wrote a description of the wrong building because I ____________(误解) the question.
52.At ___________(海关) the man was unwilling to open his bag—it contained drugs.
53.This art collection is closed for the summer, but it will ____________(重新开放) in September.
54.We disagree about which ___________(建筑的) styles we like. He prefers modern buildings but I like traditional buildings best.
55.He is a man of many words, but his actions are often ____________(不一致的) with his words.
56.There is one ___________(庆祝活动) that happens in Britain ans nowhere else in the world.
57.She thinks the __________(园丁) may have stolen a key and be the person who broke into the house.
58.When I entered the house I found the telephone__________(断开).
59.Mrs Smith had only had three valuable jewels stolen and as she had had them ___________(给...投保) she was not upset.
60.King of England let both Catholics and Protestants p____________(信奉) Christianity in their own ways.
21.clarify  22.reveals  23.consist  24.expert  25.abstract  26.evolved  27.suggested  28.absorbed  29.permission  30.linked  31.supplies  32.construction  33.noticed  34.intervention  35.sense   36.Consumption  37.estimated  38.tropical  39.victim  40.vanishing
41.unwilling  42.credit  43.credit  44.credit  45.divide  46.invaders  47.influenced  48.electric  49.unfriendly  50.impatient  51.understood  52.customs  53.reopen  54.architectural  55.inconsistent  56.celebration  57.gardener  58.disconnected  59.insured  60.practise
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