A few weeks ago, a 71-year-old man pulled his car to the roadside in Northwest Portland and stopped.

A few weeks ago, a 71-year-old man pulled his car to the roadside in Northwest Portland and stopped. He rolled down the window, turned off the engine and stared at a house.
The place, distinguished by three gables, is partially hidden by hedges and trees. Most people who pass by would never notice it. And if they did give it a glance, they’d probably think it’s a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Nothing more.
The house, in the 2500 block of Northwest Westover Road, is known as the Bessie & Louis Tarpley House. Built in 1907, it’s listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The current owner is Barbee Lyon, 79.
He and his first wife took possession in 1975. When they divorced, he bought out her share.
A retired lawyer, Lyon learned Louis Tarpley, the home’s first owner, had also been a Portland lawyer. Setbacks in Tarpley’s life led to the house auction(拍卖)in the late 1920s.
“I’m only the fifth owner of the home,” Lyon said. A previous owner was Frank Masco.
He and his wife, Esther, and their nine children had lived across town in a tiny house needing constant repairs. In the mid-1950s, the elder Masco wanted to move to a bigger house and one closer to work. A docker(码头工人), he was on-call 24 hours a day and had to quickly get to the Willamette River docks.
He found a home on Westover Road. At the time, many people wanted to live  in new construction in the suburbs. The Westover house was offered at a deep discount.
And later the family moved on several times, finally living in Vancouver.
One Sunday in July 2019, Charley Masco drove to Portland for an appointment at a computer store.
When it ended, he traveled the familiar route to Westover Road, pulled over and looked at that home.
He decided to do something bold. He got out of his car and walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. He waited. No response. Nervous, he thought it was a mistake to do this and considered turning around and walking back to his car.
Barbee Lyon opened the door and saw a stranger.
“I’m not selling anything,” Masco said quickly. “I just want you to know I once lived here.” Lyon opened the door wide.
“Come in.”
And for the first time since 1966, Masco stepped into his childhood home.
Every room looked as Masco had remembered it: The built-in china hutch in the dining room, the hanging lights above the table and, in the kitchen, a massive wood-burning stove where his mother used to cook family meals. It was as if he had walked into his own museum.
Lyon told Masco he’d never done major structural remodeling, which meant Masco knew his way around the home.
It was as if he had never left.
There, on the top floor, was the window he and his siblings quietly opened to sneak out at night and return before their parents knew they were gone. The loft where friends daydreamed about the future. The living room—no TV ever allowed—where the family gathered to share music, play cards or just talk with each other.
Then they all walked to the basement.
In the far corner, Masco saw his father’s old wooden workbench. And above it, baby food jars.
Masco had forgotten about them.
He explained that his father had nailed lids from the jars to a rafter, filling the glass with different size screws, nuts and bolts, and then screwing the jars back into the lids to give him easy access while working.
Masco thought about his father, his mother and three of his siblings who have died. He thought about his father, tinkering in the basement, while his mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
He thought about the 71-year-old man he was and the boy he had once been.
Kruse, Lyon’s wife, reached up and unscrewed a jar. She handed it to Masco, believing it belonged to this stranger.
Masco thanked her.
He clutched the small bottle to his chest. “My dad,” he said quietly. “This is my dad.”
65. Why did Charley Masco come to visit the Westover house?
A. He wanted to review his past and hold memories.
B. He attempted to buy back his childhood house.
C. His friend invited him to be a guest at his newly-bought house.
D. He came to the house where his father lived to seek roots.
解析】推理判断题。根据文中“I’m not selling anything,” Masco said quickly. “I just want you to know I once lived here.” “我不卖任何东西,”Masco很快说。“我只想让你知道我曾经住在这里。”和And for the first time since 1966, Masco stepped into his childhood home.“自1966年以来,Masco第一次走进了他儿时的家。”Every room looked as Masco had remembered it: The built-in china hutch in the dining room, the hanging lights above the table and, in the kitchen,  a massive  wood-burning  stove  where  his  mother used to cook family meals. It was as if he had walked into his own museum.“每个房间看起来都和Masco记忆中的一样:餐厅里的嵌壁式瓷厨,桌子上方悬挂的灯,还有厨房里的一个巨大的燃木火炉,他的母亲曾在那里为家人做饭。他仿佛走进了自己的博物馆。”由此推知,Charley Masco之所以要来参观the Westover house是因为他想回顾自己的过去,保留回忆。故选A。
66. What made Frank Masco decide to buy the house?
A. The house’s owner had been a Portland lawyer.
B. The house was auctioned at a very low price.
C. He desired to improve his family’s living conditions.
D. The house was equipped with a basement.
解析】推理判断题。根据文中He and his wife, Esther, and their nine children had lived across town in a tiny house needing  constant repairs. In the mid-1950s, the elder Masco wanted to move to a bigger house and one closer to work. A docker(码头工人), he was on-call 24 hours a day and had to quickly get to the Willamette River docks.“他和妻子埃斯特(Esther)以及他们的9个孩子住在镇子的另一头,住在一所需要经常修缮的小房子里。上世纪50年代中期,老马斯科想搬到一个更大、离工作地点更近的房子里。作为一名码头工人,他一天24小时随叫随到,必须迅速赶到威拉米特河码头。”由此推知,Frank Masco渴望改善家庭的生活状况,这使他决定买这所房子。故选C。
67. What do we know about Barbee Lyon?
A. He bought the house from Louis Tarpley. B. He took possession of the house at about 35.
C. He lived in the house with his first wife Kruse. D. He disliked being disturbed by strangers.
解析】细节理解题。根据文中The current owner is Barbee Lyon, 79.(现在的老板是Barbee Lyon, 79岁)He and his first wife took possession in 1975.(1975年,他和他的第一任妻子接管了这座房子)和One Sunday in July 2019,(2019年7月的一个星期天)由此推知,Barbee Lyon是34年前接管的这座房子,他现在是79岁,所以那时他35岁。故选B。
68. Why did Charley Masco feel nervous when he rang the doorbell?
A. He knew the house owner was a bad-tempered man.
B. He thought it was improper to pay an unexpected visit.
C. He might not hold back his feelings when he went in.
D. He feared the house owner would take him for a salesman.
解析】推理判断题。根据文中He decided to do something bold. He got out of his car and walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. He waited. No response. Nervous, he thought it was a mistake to do this and considered turning around and walking back to his car.(他决定做一件大胆的事。他下了车,走上台阶,按响了门铃。他等待着。没有回应。由于紧张,他认为这样做是一个错误,并考虑转身走回他的车)由此推知,查理·马斯科按门铃时之所以感到紧张是因为他认为突访是不合适的。故选B。
69. After Masco entered the house, he found that _______.
A. every room was not as he had remembered it B. the house had experienced great structural changes
C. the childhood home was where his heart was D. he couldn’t recall anything about baby food jars
解析】推理判断题。根据文中Every room looked as Masco had remembered it: The built-in china hutch in the dining room, the hanging lights above the table and, in the kitchen,  a massive  wood-burning  stove  where  his  mother used to cook family meals. It was as if he had walked into his own museum.(每个房间看起来都和马斯科记忆中的一样:餐厅里的嵌壁式瓷厨,桌子上方悬挂的灯,还有厨房里的一个巨大的燃木火炉,他的母亲曾在那里为家人做饭。他仿佛走进了自己的博物馆。)和There, on the top floor, was the window he and his siblings quietly opened to sneak out at night and return before their parents knew they were gone. The loft where friends daydreamed about the future. The living room—no TV ever allowed—where the family gathered to share music, play cards or just talk with each other.(在顶楼,他和他的兄弟姐妹们悄悄打开了窗户,趁父母还不知道他们已经走了的时候偷偷溜出去,然后再回来。朋友们幻想未来的阁楼。客厅里不准看电视,一家人聚在一起听音乐、打牌或聊天)由此可知,马斯科走进房子后,他发现童年的家正是他的心所在。故选C。
70. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A. Collision of Two Hearts B. Experiences of Two Families
C. An Unexpected Meeting D. The Harbour of the Heart
解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段A few weeks ago, a 71-year-old man pulled his car to the roadside in Northwest Portland and  stopped. He rolled down the window, turned off the engine and stared at a house.(几个星期前,在波特兰西北部,一名71岁的老人把车停在路边。他摇下车窗,关掉引擎,盯着一所房子)和I just want you to know I once lived here.(我只想让你知道我曾经住在这里)和It was as if he had walked into his own museum.(他仿佛走进了自己的博物馆)由此可知,这篇文章讲述的是一位71岁的老人走进童年时的家,他发现童年的家正是他的心所在。所以这篇文章最合适的主题是D项The Harbour of the Heart“心的港湾”。故选D。
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