The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a "profound and pervasive impact" on global men

   The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a "profound and pervasive impact" on global mental health as billions struggle to cope with isolated living and anxiety spikes, experts warned Thursday.
In a paper published in Lancet Psychiatry, a panel of 24 specialists call for more funding for research into the impacts COVID-19 may have on society's mental well-being.
Two accompanying surveys of the British public showed that most people questioned had experienced heightened anxiety and fear of becoming mentally unwell since the pandemic struck.
"We are all dealing with unprecedented uncertainty and major changes to the way we live our lives as a result of coronavirus," said lead author Emily Holmes from Uppsala University's department of psychology.
"Our surveys show these changes are already having a considerable impact on our mental health."
Studies into the mental health impact of previous disease outbreaks, such as the SARS epidemic in the early 2000s, showed a clear increase in suicide rates and the number of health care workers who experience emotional distress.
But the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic is unprecedented, with billions of people forced to isolate at home and no end in sight even after social distancing measures are eased.
The surveys, conducted among more than 3,000 people in Britain, showed a wide range of fears arising from the pandemic.
These include increased anxiety, the effects of social isolation, the fear of becoming mentally unwell and accessing care if needed.
The experts cautioned that these symptoms were likely to continue well in to the future, even after the current round of lockdowns are eased.
The authors called for government funding to establish specialised working groups comprised of people with experience of mental health impacts to ensure research and treatment are prioritised.
"Increased social isolation, loneliness, health anxiety, stress and an economic downturn are a perfect storm to harm people's mental health and wellbeing," said Rory O'Connor, professor of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow.
He said that a lack of intervention risked an explosion of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as a rise in alcohol and drug addiction. 12. Where were the surveys made?
A In USA. B. In China. C. In Australia. D. In Britain. 13. What did the experts warn in the passage?
A. The impact of pandemic was possible to continue in the future.
B. Some people will have mental problems.
C. Young people will be affected.
D. Old people will be affected.
14. From what Rory O'Connor, professor of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow said,we draw a conclusion that_____.
A. More work should be done about people's mental health.
B. People will get better after pandemic.
C. Young people will cause more trouble.
D. People will turn to alcohol and drug. 15. What's the main idea of the passage?
A. The coronavirus pandemic impact on global mental health.
B. The coronavirus spread worldwide.
C. The surveys on mental health.
D. How to deal with the global mental health.
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