In the last few years, companies like oBike have begun flooding streets in places like Japan and Aus

In the last few years, companies like oBike have begun flooding streets in places like Japan and Australia with bikes. Businessman Mike Than Tun Win realized these bikes could do much good for schoolchildren in Myanmar,of whom some walk an hour or more every day to school. Then he created LessWalk which buys up the bikes from other countries.
LessWalk modifies]改装)bikes to make them more useful for students. The rental bikes used to require a smartphone app to unlock them. LessWalk changed this for a lock with a key. They also added a second seat in the back of the bikes, allowing two children to ride to school on one bike. Recently they're replacing the bike's regular tires with a solid tire that can't go flat. With all the changes , each bike packed attractively costs LessWalk about $35. '' Despite the cost, the benefits it can develop are well worth trying,"Than told TechCrunch.
The project bought thousands of rental bikes from failed companies and shipped them to Myanmar. The process wasn't as easy as it sounds——there was lots of paperwork concerned in moving the bikes from one country to another. But giving out the bikes takes a little longer given that LessWalk wants to make sure that the bikes go ^bH'ree, to the students who need them the most and Myanmar has a population of over 50 million people and more than nine million students. The project is working with Myanmar's government and school systems to focus on poor students walking long distances a day to school.
Than hopes to bring in as many as 100,000 bikes and expand the program to other countries like Laos and Cambodia. Than is also hopeful that he can inspire '' global friends" to follow him to put the abandoned bikes to work, instead of creating yet more urban waste.
24. How many modifications does LessWalk do to the bikes?
A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
25. Why does it take longer to donate the recycled bikes?
A. Shipping the bikes is so difilcult. B. There,re too many poor students.
C. The bikes need packing carefully. D. Targeted bike donation is needed.
26. Which can best describe Than Tun Win as the leader of the project?
A. Ambitious. B. Encouraged.
C. Well-experienced. D. Nature-loving.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A. Removal of Urban Rubbish B. Recycle of Donated Bikes
C. Benefits beyond the Cost D. Students' New Vehicles
24-27 BDAC
【篇章大意】本文属于记叙文。缅甸商人迈克•丹丹•温(Mike Than Tun Win)创建了一个 公益组织LessWalk,从其他国家购买废弃了的共享单车,通过组装,为每天步行很远去学校的学 生提供免费自行车。
24. 答案:B
答案解析:第二段谈到:LessWalk将以前的二维码换成钥匙锁;在自行车后面增加了 一个座 位;把自行车的普通轮胎换成了一个实心轮胎。由此可知,LessWalk对自行车做了三个方面 的改装。
25. 答案:D
答案解析:第三段"But giving out the bikes takes a little longer given that LessWalk wants to make sure that the bikes go for free to the students who need them the most...”信息告诉 英语试题答案第3页(共12页)
我们:分发自行车需要更长的时间,是因为LessWalk想要确保自行车送到最需要它们的学 生手中,也就是精准捐赠(targeted bike donation) 0
本题容易误选A和B。文章只谈到了从国外运回这些自行车很困难,不是发放是运输困难; 文章谈到了缅甸有5000多万人口和900多万学生,但没有说有太多的贫困学生。
26. 答案:A
答案解析:文章最后一段谈到:Than希望买进多达10万辆自行车,并把这个项目扩展到老挝 和柬埔寨等其他国家。他也希望他能激励“全球朋友”跟随他,把废弃的自行车投入使用,而 不是制造更多的城市垃圾。从这些信息可推知,他是一个很有抱负的商人。
27. 答案:C
答案解析:全文谈到了 : Than看到大量的废弃共享单车,就创建LessWalk项目,买进大量的 单车进行改装,免费发放给每天步行很远去学校的学生。尽管花了钱,但他觉得值得。文中 "Despite the cost,the benefits it can develop are well worth trying"揭示了本文主题。因此 C 是答案。
本题容易误选D。考生可能会认为本文谈的就是给学生提供单车,应该选D。但是该信息中 有new,这是不实信息。再者,该项没有揭示文章真正主题:变废为宝,为他人谋利。

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