Most 7-year-old kids just do their homework and play with their friends, but Jose Adolfo Quisocola f

Most 7-year-old kids just do their homework and play with their friends, but Jose Adolfo Quisocola from Peru, aged 13, 61 (manage) to build his own “eco-bank” when he was
only 7 years old.
Quisocola saved up his pocket money 62 (create) the Bartselana Student Bank in 2012. If students want to open an account with the bank, they must provide a “deposit” (存款)of 5 kilograms of waste, such as paper or plastic. Besides, they 63 continue to deposit at least 1 kilogram of waste each month, as well as attend ^nance and recycling (回收)workshops.
The waste is sold to local recycling companies, and they keep their promise 64 they will pay the bank for the waste in return. The bank's members then have this money deposited into their 65 (account), allowing them to save up money by recycling.
“At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not run this type of project,” Quisocola told DOGOnews. “ 66 (lucky), I had the support of the school
headmaster and an assistant in my classroom.”
Quisocola's project has since enlarged. By 2013, the bank had over 200 members. Later, it got support from local people and set up 67 (it) own education centers. Nowadays, more
than 3,000 members 68 the ages of 10 and 18 are learning about ^nance there. The bank is
now 69 (accept) applications from children all over Peru. Quisocola has gained many awards for his efforts, including the Children's Climate Prize, which 70 (award) by a Swedish energy company.
61. managed 62. to create 63. must 64. that 65. accounts 66. Luckily 67. its 68. between 69. accepting 70. is awarded

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