Old John has worked as a school keeper in Hill Ford School. After walking into the school building

63.根据第一段中“Old John has worked as a school keeper in Hill Ford School.”可知,老约翰在希尔福特学校是勤杂人员,而不是老师,所以应使用否定回答。故填No, he doesn’t.
64.根据第二段中“It’s the sixteenth year in this school.”可知,这是老约翰在这所学校工作的第16年,所以他在这里工作了16年。故填(For) 16 years.
65.根据第二段中“he found almost 500 students lining in the hallway(大厅) with handmade cards and singing a happy birthday song to him. It was his 80th birthday. As he walked the long hallway, someone rushed to him and gave him a hug. They handed him so many cards as well and the cards filled several large boxes.”可知,在老约翰80岁生日的时候,学生们通过送生日卡片、唱生日歌或拥抱他来庆祝他的生日。故填They sent cards/ sang birthday songs/ hugged him.
66.根据第二段中“Old John was touched by their expression of affection(关爱). He thanked them all.”可知,当老约翰收到这么多的卡片以后,他被感动了,他也很激动。故填He felt(was) touched/ moved /excited.
67.根据第四段中“he will stop what he’s doing at any time to give all his attention and take care of a child if that child is having a bad day”可知,老约翰会在在任何时候停下手头的工作,全神贯注地照顾这个孩子,也就是说这个孩子能够得到老约翰的关注和关心。故填His attention and care.
68.根据第一段中“After walking into the school building every day, he cleans rubbish bins and bathrooms.”可知,老约翰工作非常认真努力;根据第四段中“give all his attention and take care of a child”可知,老约翰非常关心学生们,而且很善良。老约翰工作认真努力,为人善良,关心学生,所以他被认为是学校里最爱的那个人。故填He cares for students and takes his work seriously. / He is hardworking and kind.

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