Steven lost an arm after a traffic accident years ago. On that day, he was 41 down by a

(十八) (2018·湖北荆门)
Steven lost an arm after a traffic accident years ago. On that day, he was    41   down by a
car badly. His left arm bone was smashed(撞碎). “I can’t feel my hand!” Steven kept shouting
   42    he woke up in the hospital. It was the only way he could think of to stop the things from getting     43  ,  though it was no use at all. That was really the hardest time for him.
Life still went on. Steven     44    the next two years in the hospital.  At first, he couldn’t even tie his shoes, open a bottle of water or cut his fingernails(指甲)by himself. Later he knew he had to face all the     45    . With the support of his wife, he began to     46    all kinds of activities.     47    he began dreaming of a better life and decided to learn to play the violin. Steven knew      48     about playing the violin and there was no one to ask for help. Therefore(因此), he made    49   progress, Then he met Lam, an amateur(业余的)     50   .Steven became Lam’s first student. Then Steven kept practicing playing the violin   51      the help of Lam. Sometimes he also played    52   . when he played on the street, what people offered was not sympathy(同情心)   53    admiration.
Steven says playing the violin does not make life    54    for him, and he has to face new challenges every day. However, he won’t    55  .  And he will never stop trying different new things in his life.
41.A. beaten  B. knocked    C. cut D. pulled
42. A. when   B. if   C. while   D. before
43. A. worse    B. bigger  C. cooler  D. funnier
44. A. finished    B. took    C. spent   D. enjoyed
45. A. dangers     B. difficulties  C. directions   D. arguments
46.A. join       B. attend    C. compete   D take part in
47. A. Normally   B. Hardly    C. Completely   D. Gradually
48. A. anything    B. something   C. nothing  D .everything
49.A. rapid  B. slow   C. great   D. real
50.A. violinist  B. pianist    C. coach       D. singer
51. A. under  B. for   C. with   D. without
52.A. at home  B. in public  C. at school D. in hospital
53. A. and   B. or     C. nor     D. but
54.A. easier   B. harder  C. sadder   D. safer
55. A. cheer up   B. keep up     C. give up   D. pick up
题材 记叙文 话题 史提芬逆境成才 词数 273
41.B  考查固定短语。句意:那一天,他被小汽车撞倒。固定短语:knock down撞倒。故选B。
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