(A)Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice

Passage 28(2020 •黑龙江龙东地区)
AChoose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should be used only once.
A: ___46___ I decided to go to the Disneyland with my brother.
B: Really? That's cool. ___47___ The one in Hong Kong or the one in Paris?
A: Neither. The one in Los Angeles. Because we want to visit Hollywood after that.
B: ___48___
A: Five days in total. We will spend the first day in Disneyland and two days in Hollywood, and we will go to the beaches for the other two days.
B: Sounds great! ___49___ In a hotel, or in a home stay in a stranger's house?
A: Well, our aunt lives in Los Angeles, so we will stay there.
B: ___50___ .
A. Lucky you.
B. Where are you going to stay?
C. How long will you spend in Los Angeles?
D. Which Disneyland do you want to go?
E. The summer holiday is coming
F. You are welcome.
46.E【解析】根据下一句“I decided to go to the Disneyland with my brother.”结合选项可知,空格处应该是暑假就要到了,所以才准备去迪士尼玩,故选E。
47.D【解析】根据下一句“The one in Hong Kong or the one in Paris?”可知,空格处应该是问的去哪个迪士尼,故选D。
48.C【解析】根据回答“Five days in total.”可知,此处问的是待多长时间,故选C。
49.B【解析】根据空后“In a hotel, or in a home stay in a stranger's house?”可知,此处问的是要住在哪里,故选B。
50.A【解析】根据常识和“Well, our aunt lives in Los Angeles, so we will stay there.”可知,在得知对方有地方住时,表达“你太幸运了”。故选A。
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