A: Hi, Lucy! The cat in the photo is so cute. Whose is it?

Passage 27(2020 •黑龙江哈尔滨)
A: Hi, Lucy! The cat in the photo is so cute. Whose is it?
A: I love its round face.____52____
B: It's called smart.
A: Why?
B: Because it's really smart.____53____
A: How amazing! Then that's a good name for it!____54____
B: Five years old. By the way, do you have a pet?
A:____55____My mother worries that keeping a pet will bring me a lot of trouble.
B: Actually, pets can bring you lots of pleasure. I hope you will have a pet one day in the future.
A. Yes, I have a pet, too.
B. It can even play the guitar.
C. It's my pet cat.
D. No, I don't have one though I love pets too.
E. How old is it?
F. What’s its name?
G. It's kind of silly.
51.C【解析】句意:它是我的宠物猫。根据前句“The cat in the photo is so cute. Whose is it?”可知,前句在询问照片里的猫是谁的,所以此处应回答是谁的猫。结合选项,故选C。
52.F【解析】句意:它的名字是什么?根据后句“It's called smart.”可知,猫叫做斯玛特,所以前句在询问猫的名字是什么。结合选项,故选F。
53.B【解析】句意:它甚至会弹吉他。根据前后句“Because it's really smart.”和“How amazing!”可知,此处应在描述猫具体怎么样聪明,做了什么让人觉得它聪明。结合选项,故选B。
54.E【解析】句意:它多大了?根据答语“Five years old.”可知,答语说它五岁了,所以前句是在问猫几岁了。结合选项,故选E。
55.D【解析】句意:没有,虽然我也喜欢宠物,但我没有。根据“By the way, do you have a pet?”和“My mother worries that keeping a pet will bring me a lot of trouble”可知,前句在询问是否养了宠物,所以答语应回答是否养了,再根据“我妈妈担心养宠物会给我带来很多麻烦”可知,没有养宠物。结合选项,故选D。
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