A: Hello, Peter! This is Tom speaking. B: Hello, Tom! How are you?

Passage 24(2020 •贵州省黔西南州)



A: Hello, Peter! This is Tom speaking.
B: Hello, Tom! How are you?
A: Fine, thanks.__________46__________
B: Yes, I’ll be free.
A: I’m going to watch a Peking Opera Show performed by a group of students.
B: Wow, that’s so great! __________47__________
A: It is Gathering of Heroes(《群英会》).
B: Fantastic! Where will it be put on?
A: In our school art club.
A: At 3:00 p.m. this Sunday.
B: Well, I am also interested in Peking Opera Show.__________49__________
A:Of course. So, would you like to watch the show with me?
B:Yes, I can’t wait._____________50_____________.
A:Let’s meet at the art club at 2:40 that afternoon.
B:OK! Thanks for calling me. See you then.
A: OK. See you.
A. What’s the name of it?
B. Can you wait?
C. What’s the time?
D. Can I join your club?
E. Are you free this Sunday, Peter?
F. Are you a member of the chub?
G. When and where shall we meet?
46.E【解析】语境理解题。根据下文Yes, I’ll be free. 是的,我有空。可知,此空是询问某个时间是否有空。结合所给选项,可知E选项Are you free this Sunday, Peter?彼得,这个星期天你有空吗? 符合语境,故答案选E。
47.A【解析】语境理解题。根据下文It is Gathering of Heroes(《群英会》). 它叫《群英会》。可知,此空是询问表演叫什么名字。结合所给选项,可知A选项What’s the name of it?它叫什么名字? 符合语境,故答案选A。
48.C【解析】语境理解题。根据下文At 3:00 p.m. this Sunday. 这个星期天下午3点。可知,此空询问时间。结合所给选项,可知C选项What’s the time?什么时间? 符合语境,故答案选C。
49.D【解析】语境理解题。根据上文I am also interested in Peking Opera Show. 我对京剧也很感兴趣。以及下文Of course. 当然可以。可知此处应是问可以加入俱乐部吗,结合所给选项,可知D选项Can I join your club?我可以加入你的俱乐部吗? 符合语境,故答案选D。
50.G【解析】语境理解题。根据下文Let’s meet at the art club at 2:40 that afternoon. 我们那天下午2:40在艺术俱乐部见面吧。可知,此空是询问何时何地见面。结合所给选项,可知G选项When and where shall we meet?.我们什么时候在哪里见面呢? 符合语境,故答案选G。

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