B:___21___ I’d like to borrow some books on Western culture and customs. How can I find them?

Passage 22(2020 •贵州省安顺市)


A:May I help you?
B:___21___ I’d like to borrow some books on Western culture and customs. How can I find them?
B:OK. How many books may I borrow at a time?
(Ten minutes later)
B:I’d like to borrow these three books. ___24___
A:Two weeks.
B:Two weeks? I’m afraid I can’t return them until I’ve finished my project.
A:In that case, you must renew them before they’re due. ___25___ It’s 0.5 yuan a day for each book.
A. Yes, please.
B. At most five.
C. You can buy it there.
D. How long may I keep them?
E. If not, you’ll have to pay a fine.
F. You can check for them on the computer first.
21.A【解析】根据上文May I help you?可知,此处是B对A提供帮助的问句表示回应。A选项Yes, please“是的,请帮下忙”符合语境,故选A。
22.F【解析】根据上文How can I find them?可知,B问怎么找到想看的书,故此处是A回答怎么找到想要的书的方法。F选项You can check for them on the computer first“你可以先在电脑上查一下”符合语境,故选F。
23.B【解析】根据上文How many books may I borrow at a time?可知,B问一次可以借多少本书,故此处是A回答一次最多可以借多少本书。B选项At most five“最多5本”符合语境,故选B。
24.D【解析】根据下文Two weeks可知,A回答两周,故此处是B问借书可以借多久。D选项How long may I keep them?“这些书我可以借多久?”符合语境,故选D。
25.E【解析】根据下文It’s 0.5 yuan a day for each book可知,此处是A说借书超期要罚款。E选项If not, you’ll have to pay a fine“如果没有按时还书,你就得交罚款”符合语境,故选E。

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