61.阅读理解B篇材料中,Mary Chan经常听爷爷讲起他难忘的老师Mr. Tan。再读本篇材料,假如你是Mary

(二十一)【2020 •威海市】
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61.阅读理解B篇材料中,Mary Chan经常听爷爷讲起他难忘的老师Mr. Tan。再读本篇材料,假如你是Mary,请以“I have been wondering…”为题,简要介绍Mr. Tan,写写你对Mr. Tan严厉教育行为的看法,以及如果你也遇到了这样严厉的老师,你的想法或做法。
(2)可适当归纳引用文中对Mr. Tan的描述,但要以自己的感想为主;
I have been wondering…
When I was little my grandfather often told me about his teachers. He said he would never forget Mr. Tan, a strict teacher I have been wondering about it. ...
I have been wondering...
When I was little, my grandfather often told me about his teachers. He said he would never forget Mr. Tan, a strict teacher. I have been wondering about it. Mr. Tan never smiled at school. And he beat or kicked the students, or asked them to run around the school. In my opinion, Mr. Tan wasn't a good teacher.
Now I am going to finish my middle school. I have experienced many teachers. Gradually I understand my grandfather. I have realized that strict teachers are also good teachers. Sometimes teachers punish students just because they want to make them full of energy, to urge them to do better, and to help them get into good habits. That is what responsible teachers often do.
In our school life, we often have teachers like Mr. Tan. We should try to understand them. And as students, listening carefully in class is responsible for ourselves. But, of course, such kind of teachers should control their own temper and action. They should find more good methods to deal with the affairs with the students. And if we really can't get on well with such strict teachers, maybe we can talk with them, and tell them what we think.

短语:tell about;in my opinion; is responsible for; full of; urge them to do; get into good habits; get on well with。
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