76.2020年6月23日上午,淮安市首届以 “龙舟竞渡迎端午” 为主题的大运河龙舟公开赛在淮安清江浦区隆重开幕。

(十四)【2020 •江苏省淮安市】
VII. 书面表达
76.2020年6月23日上午,淮安市首届以 “龙舟竞渡迎端午” 为主题的大运河龙舟公开赛在淮安清江浦区隆重开幕。这项活动的开展不仅弘扬了中国传统文化,也给人们带来了生活的乐趣。
请围绕 “端午节” 这话题写一篇短文,内容包括以下要点:
1. 叙述你今年如何度过端午小长假(包括时间、地点、人物、经过);
2. 你对这些活动的感悟(活动的意义,……);
3. 今后,你将如何弘扬祖国传统文化(经常参加有关传统文化的活动,……)
聚餐have big dinner;      看龙舟赛watch the dragon boat race;
包粽子make rice dumplings;讲屈原的故事tell the story of Qu Yuan.
1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
2. 词数在80-100之间, 已给出的文字不计入总词数。
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in our country.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in our country. I’ll never forget this year’s Dragon Boat Festival. I had a good time on vacation. I did a lot of interesting things. I helped my mother make rice dumplings. It was difficult but fun. Then I had a big dinner with my family. It was a happy time to be with my family. My parents told me the story of Qu Yuan. I learned a lot about Chinese history and culture. One of the most exciting things was watching the dragon boat races. People did these activities in order to let the people old and young remember poet Qu Yuan. These activities not only carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, but also bring people the joy of life.
In my opinion, I think we should hold more activities to celebrate the Chinese traditional festival. Festivals play an important part in Chinese culture. It is our duty to respect the traditions and make Chinese culture known to the world.

短语: have a good time;help sb. do sth.;one of the most exciting things;in order to ;bring people the joy of life;play an important part in。
句型:①动词不定式表目的 People did these activities in order to let the people old and young remember poet Qu Yuan.
②形式主语 It is our duty to respect the traditions and make Chinese culture known to the world.
③宾语从句 In my opinion, I think we should hold more activities to celebrate the Chinese traditional festival.
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