16. Which of the following jobs is wanted in the poster?


16. Which of the following jobs is wanted in the poster?
A. A model.
B. A waiter.
C. A support worker.
D. A market worker.
17. The Wowee Magazine wants writers who should ________.
A. be over 16 years old
B. be skilled and active
C. keep the salon clean and tidy
D. have the ability to care for others
18. According to the passage, the workers in ______ will work 40 hours a week.
A. Wowee Magazine
B. Golden Care
C. Top Model Company
D. Cut Above Salon
答案】16. A    17. B    18. D
16. 句意:下面哪一项工作是在海报中被需要的?A.模特B.服务员C.支持工人D.市场工作人员。根据原图,models被提到了,其他三个均未提及,故选A
18. 句意:根据这篇文章,Cut Above Salon里的工人将会一周工作40个小时。根据原图中的B广告,正文第一句“you will work 40 hours a week”,故选D。

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