The world is a beautiful place in our eyes. But does it look the same through the eyes of animals?

  Passage 21(2020 •内蒙古赤峰市)
 The world is a beautiful place in our eyes. But does it look the same through the eyes of animals?
Dogs can't see as many colors as we can.They can see blues, browns and yellows. They have fewer color detecting cells(色彩感知细胞)than humans do.
Spiders have eight pairs of eyes They can see more colors than humans. They can see ultraviolet light(紫外线).So they see things clearer than we do,Rats can move one eye in different directions while the other eye stops moving. It is to see their enemies better. They can't see many colors. It' s not necessary because they mainly come out at night, They are good at seeing bright light.
Horses have eyes on either side of their head.So they see wider than humans. They have a blind spot(盲点)in front of their nose.They can't see as many colors as humans do. They can see greens and blues,but most of the time they see grays.
56.What colors can dogs see?(不超过9个词)_____
57.How many eyes does a spider have?(不超过8个词)_____
58.When do rats mainly come out?(不超过8个词)_____
59.Why do horses see wider than humans?(不超过12 个词)_____
60.Which topic is better "World through animals' eyes" or "Different kinds of animals"?(不超过8个词)_____
56.They can see blues, browns and yellows.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“They can see blues, browns and yellows”可知狗能看到蓝色、棕色和黄色。故答案为They can see blues,browns and yellows.
57.Eight pairs of eyes.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“Spiders have eight pairs of eyes”可知蜘蛛有八双眼睛。故答案为Eight pairs of eyes.
58.At night.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“It' s not necessary because they mainly come out at night”,可知老鼠主要在晚上出来。故答案为At night.
59.Because they have eyes on either side of their head.【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Horses have eyes on either side of their head. So they see wider than humans”可知马的眼睛在头的两边,所以它们比人类看得更宽。故答案为Because they have eyes on either side of their head.
60.World through animals’ eyes【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段“The world is a beautiful place in our eyes. But does it look the same through the eyes of animals”可知在我们眼中,世界是一个美丽的地方,但是在动物的眼中,它看起来是一样的吗,因此可知本文主要讲述了动物眼中的世界是什么样子的。故答案为World through animals’ eyes.
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