Pollution inside homes and other buildings ills more than 4 million people each year.

  Passage 41(2018福州)

Pollution inside homes and other buildings ills more than 4 million people each year. Many people die as a result of breathing smoe or from cooing over wood­powered or coal­powered stoves.
One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooing equipment powered by the sun. Crosby Menies, a solar power epert in a South African company, described his latest solar cooer called the “Sol­ 4”. “It is four square meters of mirrors, si to eight meters in length. It is quite a large cooer.”
The “Sol­ 4” wors by reflecting (反射) light from the sun off large mirrors. The mirrors direct (把……对准) the light at a cooing pan. Then the light heats the pan with solar energy. Within two minutes, the pan is hot enough to coo sausages and onions. In just four minutes, water can be boiled. That is as fast as cooing with natural gas or electricity.
The cooer is also much “friendlier” than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use it. And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal. Such individuals would be less liely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoe.
At present, the cooer only wors when the sun is shining.But engineers are woring on a way to mae it wor without sunlight.
Each cooer costs about $2,000, which is a large amount of money for most Africans.To solve that problem, Crosby Menies has created a non­govermental organiation called Solar Cooers for Africa. It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooing equipment.
( )1. This passage is mainly about ________.
A. solar cooers  B. smoe pollution
C. solar power eperts  D. breathing illnesses
( )2. The “Sol­ 4” is mainly used to________.
A. shorten the time of cooing
B. reduce the cost of maing cooers
C. raise money through donations to help African people
D. reduce the number of deaths caused by harmful smoe
( )3. The underlined word “individuals” most probably means “________”.
A. cooers B. mirrors C. people D. eperts
( )4. Which of the following about the “Sol­ 4” is TRUE?
A. It is si to eight square meters of mirrors.
B. It can wor in any weather condition now.
C. It can also heat the pan by lighting firewood.
D. It is more environment­friendly than other cooers.
( )5. From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A. the “Sol­ 4” will be designed in a smaller sie
B. more Africans can use the solar cooers in the future
C. the “Sol­ 4” is the first product of the South African company
D. the African government will provide poor people with solar cooers
【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍的是一种更加环保的灶具—— Sol-4。
2.D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:“Sol-4”主要被用。根据第二段第一、二句“One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooing equipment powered by the sun. Crosby Menies, a solar power epert in a South African company, described his latest solar cooer called the ‘Sol-4.’”可知选D。
3.C【解析】词义猜测题。题干意为:划线单词“individuals”的意思是什么?根据第四段第二、三句“And people can prepare meals without having to...be less liely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoe. ”可知吸入有害烟尘得呼吸疾病的可能性小,说的对象是人,故选C。
4.D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:下列关于“Sol-4”的说法哪一项是正确的?根据第二段中“It is four square meters of mirrors...”可知A项错误;根据倒数第二段的第一句“At present, the cooer only wors when the sun is shining.”可知B项错误;根据第三段中“Then the light heats the pan with solar energy.”可知是用太阳能加热这个锅,故C项错误;根据全文我们知道介绍的是Sol-4 是一种更加环保的灶具,故选D。
5.B【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:从短文中,我们可以推断。 根据最后一段最后一句“It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooing equipment.”可知这个非政府组织计划通过集资捐款为穷人提供太阳能烹饪设备,将更多的非洲人会用太阳灶。故选B。
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