Last month, the artist Christo opened his new art sculpture. It is made up of 7,506 colorful barrels

Passage 28【2020 •无锡市】



Last month, the artist Christo opened his new art sculpture. It is made up of 7,506 colorful barrels (桶) floating on a lake in Hyde Park in London. Christo calls it The London Mastaba. It is his first major outdoor art sculpture in Great Britain. The artwork is in the shape of a mastaba. It looks somewhat like a pyramid with a fat top. The London Mastaba is about 65 feet high, 98 feet wide and 130 feet long, and it weighs about 1.3 million pounds. The metal barrels can be seen from hundreds of feet away.
Everyone who looks at it will see something different. Many will think the barrels are barrels of oil in the heart of one of London’s oldest parks. They might wonder if Christo was making an announcement against pollution. Others will see a prism or giant pixels or simply a shape. However, everyone must decide for themselves, the 83-year-old artist said. Christo said he had nothing special in mind when he created The London Mastaba. “There are no messages,” Christo said. “There is something in it to discover yourself. I cannot direct you.”
“A Stairway To The Sky”
“It’s created a giant invitation, like a stairway to the sky,” Christo said. The artist was standing on the banks of the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park where his artwork floats. Swans are swimming nearby. Some barrels are red with a white candy stripe on the sides. Others are colored blue, purple and red. Their colors will look different as the light changes, Christo said. Their reflection (倒影) in the lake will be like an abstract painting. Abstraction is an artistic style that does not always show something recognizable or realistic.
“Not Really Sure How I Feel About It”
Many people walking in the park were surprised to see the artwork. “It’s very modern, but this place is nature and historical. I don’t like it here,” said Yasmin KocOzcengel, who is a tourist from Turkey. Another person who took a look at the artwork was Anna Andronova. She called The London Mastaba very brave. If it weren’t as brave, it wouldn’t be as amazing, she said. Sheila Seffenson is an American living in London. “I’m just not really sure how I feel about it,” Steffenson said. “Maybe it’s a message about pollution. Who knows?”
34. What can we learn about the artwork?
A. It is a floating pyramid. B. It is made up of empty oil barrels.
C. It is an abstract painting. D. It is considered as different things.
35. Which of the following would be most suitable for________?
A. An Announcement Against Pollution. B. An Announcement Against Pollution?
C. A New Landmark Of The Oldest Park. D. A New Landmark Of The Oldest Park?
36. Which of the following words can best describe The London Mastaba?
A. Romantic. B. Magical. C. Realistic. D. Mysterious.
37. What can most possibly be the artist’s real purpose?
A. To add some more colours to the old park. B. To bring his art career to a new height.
C. To encourage people to discover and think. D. To remind people to care about nature.
34.D【解析】细节理解题。根据“Everyone who looks at it will see something different.”可知,每个人都会看到不同东西,结合选项,故选D。
35.B【解析】推理判断题。空后一段讲的是不同的人对这件作品有不同的认识,根据“They might wonder if Christo was making an announcement against pollution.”可知,有些人想知道克里斯托是不是在为抵制污染发声,由此推断,空出的标题应该是围绕是否为抵制污染发声展开的讨论,结合选项,故选B。
36.D【解析】推理判断题。Romantic浪漫的;空想的;Magical有魔力的;Realistic现实的;逼真的;Mysterious神秘的;难解的。根据“Abstraction is an artistic style that does not always show something recognizable or realistic”(抽象是一种艺术风格,它并不总是表现可识别的或现实的东西)可推断,这件艺术品比较抽象,抽象的东西一般比较难理解,结合选项,故选D。
37.C【解析】推理判断题。本题主要问艺术家的真正目的可能是什么?根据“ Christo said he had nothing special in mind when he created The London Mastaba. “There are no messages,” Christo said. “There is something in it to discover yourself. I cannot direct you.””可推断,克里斯托的真正目的可能是鼓励人们自己发现和思考。故选C。

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