Yun Siqi from Beijing is a 19-year-old young pianist(钢琴家). He started to learn the piano at age 4 an

Passage 72【2020 •山东省聊城市中考】
Yun Siqi from Beijing is a 19-year-old young pianist(钢琴家). He started to learn the piano at age 4 and it has been his favourite hobby since then. Before that, he often heard his elder sister playing the violin and he loved the classical music she played. "I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano," Yun said.
At 4, several minutes of practice a day was enough. As Yum grew up, at ages 7 and 8, he had to practise for four hours a day. The time kept going up after Yun was 12. Now, he needs to practise at least seven hours every day. He sleeps for only five to six hours a day, but he is still full of energy(活力).
Yun never got tired of the piano. In fact, he had great fun playing it. "Music is my special luck, and it is a real enjoyment to be with it every day," he said.
Yun worked hard and soon he stood out. From 2013 to now, Yun shone at different music festivals, concerts and competitions. Yun said successes or failures(失败)were not important and they would not affect his understanding of music or his plan for the future. "If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder," the young pianist said "I still need to practise more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano. It may take a lifetime."
21. Yun Siqi began to learn the piano in___________.
A. 2003 B. 2005 C. 2007 D. 2009
22. Yun Siqi chose the piano because __________.
A. he was not able to play the violin
B. it was easy to learn to play the piano
C. he wanted to be better than his sister in something
D. his sister refused to play his favourite classical music
23. What does the second paragraph(段落)mainly tell us about Yun Siqi?
A. He lived a happy life at the age of 4.
B. He was not good at playing the piano.
C. He practises playing the piano very hard.
D. He doesn't have enough sleep but he is healthy.
24. The underlined word "affect" in Paragraph4 probably means "________" in Chinese.
A. 允许 B. 维持 C. 放弃 D. 影响
25. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Yun played the piano really well.
B. Yun was tired of playing the piano.
C. Yun didn't think he needed more practice.
D. Yun said one should work harder if he lost.
21.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中“Yun Siqi from Beijing is a 19-year-old young pianist(钢琴家). He started to learn the piano at age 4 and it has been his favourite hobby since then.”可知,贠思齐今年19岁,从4岁开始学钢琴。所以推测她是在2005年开始学钢琴的。故选B。
22.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中“I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano”可知,他选择钢琴是为了打败姐姐。故选C。
24.D【解析】词句猜测题。分析“Yun said successes or failures(失败)were not important and they would not affect his understanding of music or his plan for the future.”可知,贠思齐表示成功或失败并不重要,他们并不会影响他对音乐的理解和他对未来的计划。所以此处强调“影响”的意思。故选D。
25.A【解析】推理判断题。A:贠钢琴弹得特别好。根据“From 2013 to now, Yun shone at different music festivals, concerts and competitions.”可知,从2013年至今,他在不同的音乐节、音乐会和比赛中脱颖而出,所以贠钢琴弹得特别好,该项表述正确;B:贠厌倦了弹钢琴。根据“Yun never got tired of the piano.”可知,他从未厌倦弹钢琴,该项表述错误;C:贠认为不需要过多的练习。根据“I still need to practise more to become better”可知,他认为自己需要更多的练习,该项表述错误;D:贠说,如果输了,应该更加努力。根据“If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder”可知,他认为如果输了需要反思,如果赢了需要更努力,该项表述错误。故选A。
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