Recently, a junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform

(一)【2019 • 湖南省长沙市】


Recently, a junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform(校服)rules. Should students wear school uniforms? The Young World magazineheld a discussion on this topic(话题).
Kennedy: The school uniform is very important, because it always reminds me that I am supposed to go out of my way to study hard. It also helps prevent school bullying(欺凌). If everyone wears the same clothes, it is impossible to laugh at other people’s clothing.       
Manson: The uniform has to be earned(获得)through efforts. Students should start school with no uniforms. As they make progress at school, they start wearing it. I always think children need to be proud of their school. The uniform is important for that. So, make students earn it! If they don’t perform well, they should not be allowed to get one.
Moorhead: In my opinion, kids don’t have to wear uniforms. There should be more choices open to kids in education. They ought to develop their own independence and just be themselves. Their personalities would be expressed through their own clothes at school. And different dress could be one way of showing their understanding of beauty. Besides, they make the school lively and colorful.
Patrick: I can see the advantages of wearing school uniforms. They play a very important role in managing schools. However, a school should not depend heavily on uniforms to improve students’ behaviors. Teaching them how to express themselves with confidence(信心)is more important.
1. What does the writer mean to do in Paragraph 1?
A. Present an opinion on a subject.
B. Introduce a topic for discussion.
C. Provide a way to solve problems.
2. What is Kennedy in the second paragraph?
A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A parent.
3. In Manson’s opinion, ___________.
A. students have the right to get school uniforms for free
B. students should be encouraged to earn school uniforms
C. students performing well needn’t wear school uniforms
4. According to Patrick, what is more important?
A. Managing schools by uniforms.
B. Improving students’ behaviors.
C. Helping students express themselves confidently.
5. We can learn from the text that ___________.
A. Kennedy can’t stand school uniforms
B. Moorhead is against school uniform rules
C. the writer holds the same opinion as Patrick’s
1. B【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段中的句子"Should students wear school uniforms? The Young World magazine held a discussion on this topic(话题)."学生应该穿校服吗?The Young World杂志就这个话题进行了讨论。可知作者在第一段介绍了一个将要讨论的主题。故答案为B。
2. A【解析】细节判断题。根据第二段中的句子"The school uniform is very important, because it always reminds me that I am supposed to go out of my way to study hard."校服很重要,因为它总是提醒我要努力学习。由此判断Kennedy是一名在校学生,故答案为A。
3. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子"So, make students earn it! If they don’t perform well, they should not be allowed to get one."让学生们赢得校服!如果他们表现不好,就不应该允许他们得到校服。由此可知,Manson认为应该鼓励学生通过自己的表现来获得校服。故答案为B。
4. C【解析】细节理解题。根据短文最后一句"Teaching them how to express themselves with confidence(信心)is more important."教给他们如何自信地表达自己更重要。因此在Patrick看来,帮助学生自信地表达自己更重要。故答案为C。
5. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段可知,Kennedy认为校服很重要,A答案错误;根据第三段中的句子
"In my opinion, kids don’t have to wear uniforms."可知,Moorhead反对学校穿校服的规定,B答案正确;文章列举了四个人对学生穿校服的个人观点,我们无法判断作者倾向于哪个观点,C答案错误,故答案选B。

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