When I first moved to the South, I realized that I was stepping into a completely different world

第二部分  语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
   When I first moved to the South, I realized that I was stepping into a completely different world. New Orleans, Louisiana, was   21   any other place I had ever been to. What surprised me more than anything else was New Orleans people’ s constant   22  .
   “What can I get for you, honey?” a waitress asked me on my first day in LouisianA.
   I was   23  . This woman didn’t know me   24   she treated me like family. She smiled down at me as I pointed to an item on the   25  .
   “Is the pasta good?” I asked her.
   “Baby, it’s not my favorite, ” she   26   with a smile.
   I looked at my “family” in shock. She had given me her honest   27  , as if we were best friends.
   After a few years in New Orleans, I got   28   to the honeys and the babies. I also realized how comforting it is to be treated like I   29  , wherever I go.
   I recently went to the DMV(车管局) to update my driver’s license. As I was sitting in the   30   room with at least twenty other people, a woman walked in.
   “Good morning!” she   31   to the room.
   “Good morning!” the whole room said back without   32  . Soon the room was quiet again and everyone was comfortable with each other.
   The woman took her seat, and waited with everyone else for her number to be   33  .
   Even after eight years of living in Louisiana, it still makes me   34   to know that I am not lonely here. Someone is always willing to say hello or lend a hand when needed. No one should feel lonely even when they walk into a room full of   35  .
21. A. beside B. beyond C. unlike D. opposite
22. A. sympathy B. friendliness C. generosity D. patience
23. A. concerned B. relieved C. disappointed D. astonished
24. A. yet B. and C. or D. so
25. A. way B. menu C. table D. surface
26. A. recommended B. admitted C. defended D. apologized
27. A. advice B. belief C. opinion D. assistance
28. A. addicted B. exposed C. committed D. used
29. A. belong B. appear C. improve D. behave
30. A. scary B. noisy C. empty D. silent
31. A. announced B. pointed C. explained D. whispered
32. A. inspection B. purpose C. hesitation D. enthusiasm
33A. adjusted B. called C. dialed D. answered
34. A. stare B. shout C. swear D. smile
35. A. volunteers B. neighbors C. friends D. strangers
【语篇解读】本文讲述了初到新奥尔良的“我”被当地人的友好感染, 置身于陌生人中, 如同在家中一样, 倍感温暖。
21. C  路易斯安那州的新奥尔良市与“我”去过的其他任何地方都不同。
22. B  最令“我”感到惊讶的是新奥尔良人保持不变的友好。
23. D  “我”感到惊讶, 这位女士并不认识“我”, 但是她像对待家人一样对待“我”。
24. A  见上题解析
25. B  当“我”指着菜单上的菜品的时候, 她对着“我”微笑。
26. B  她面带微笑地承认那道菜品不是她的最爱。
27. C  她给了我最真诚的看法, 好像“我”和她是最好的朋友一样。
28. D  在新奥尔良生活了多年之后.“我”渐渐习惯了“亲爱的”和“宝贝”这种称呼。
29. A  “我”也意识到无论“我”走到哪里, 被对待的时候能有一种归属感是令人欣慰的。
30. D  当“我”坐在一个至少还有二十个人的寂静的房间里的时候, 一位女士走进房间。
31. A  她对房间里所有的人打招呼:“早上好”。
32. C  房间里所有的人毫不犹豫地回应“早上好”。
33. B  那位女士找座位坐了下来, 然后和其他人一起等待被叫号。
34. D  即使在路易斯安那州住了八年, 想到“我”并不孤单, “我”依然禁不住微笑。
35. D  甚至当他们走进满是陌生人的房间的时候, 他们也不会感到孤独。
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