Having a light electric bike that can be folded(折叠) in to fit your backpack would be very practical,

Having a light electric bike that can be folded(折叠) in to fit your backpack would be very practical, don’t you agree? Well, it seems Smacircle is the answer.
Inventors have created an electric bike called Smacircle which is not only as light as two newborn babies but folds up and fits in a backpack. The ebike can reach speeds of 20km/h and is controlled with a smartphone app.The ebike folds up into a backpack in less than ten seconds, by which time it’s no taller than 49cm. It weighs a little over 7kg and can be suitable for riders of different sizes. Powered by a 240W motor and built-in battery, this ebike allows you to ride up to 20km distance.
The first models have been made and tested, and its makers are seeking further investment with an aim to bring it to the mainstream market. Chinese designers believe it might change the way people commute (通勤) to work. They can avoid crowded public transport, simply go through heavy traffic, perfect to commute in the city when their destination is too far to walk yet too close to drive.
CEO Gavin Yang, from Shenzhen in China, said, Smacircle is a special creative design invented to fill in the gap in short commute personal transportation. Their team has spent countless hours on research and development, and are determined to bring the people the best possible solution for short commutes, he said.
As it has not yet hit the market, there is no price available. We have spent almost two years developing this Smacircle ebike and now we have made the concept a reality, said Mr Yang.
28. What is the main idea for the passage?
A. It mainly introduces Smacircle.
B. It advertises for the ebike.
C. Gavin Yang looks for business partners.
D. Gavin Yang has changed how people travel.
29. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The bike is 94cm tall after you fold it.
B. You can ride within 20km with a full battery.
C. The ebike has been made a reality in the market.
D. Everyone can commute to work on the ebike.
30. What does the underlined word “ hit ” in the last paragraph mean?
A. Beat. B. Cross. C. Reach. D. Affect.
31. What is Gavin Yang’s attitude towards the future of the ebike?
A. Indifferent. B. Worrying. C. Unsure. D. Positive.
答案】28. A    29. B    30. C    31. D
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Having a light electric bike that can be folded(折叠) in to fit your backpack would be very practical, don’t you agree? Well, it seems Smacircle is the answer.(拥有一辆可以折叠起来放进背包里的轻型电动自行车是非常实用的,你同意吗?看来smaccircle就是答案。)”和下文内容可知,文章介绍了一款名为Smacircle的电动自行车。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“The ebike folds up into a backpack in less than ten seconds, by which time it’s no taller than 49cm.(这款电动自行车可以在不到10秒的时间里折叠成背包,折叠后的高度不超过49厘米。)”可知,A项“自行车折叠后是94厘米高。”错误;根据第二段“Powered by a 240W motor and built-in battery, this ebike allows you to ride up to 20km distance.(这款电动自行车由一个240W的电机和内置电池供电,你可以骑上20公里的距离。)”可知,B项“你可以在充满电的情况下骑20公里以内。”正确;根据最后一段“As it has not yet hit the market, there is no price available.(由于它还没有上市,所以没有价格。)”可知,C项“电动自行车已经在市场上成为现实。”错误;根据倒数第二段“Their team has spent countless hours on research and development, and are determined to bring the people the best possible solution for short commutes, he said.(他说,他们的团队在研发上花费了无数时间,决心为人们提供最短通勤时间的最佳解决方案。)”可知,D项“每个人都可以骑电动自行车上班”错误。故选B项。
词句猜测题。根据后文“there is no price available(没有价格)”可以推断,此处为“电动自行车还没有上市”,可知,此处“hit”应意为“到达,抵达”。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“CEO Gavin Yang, from Shenzhen in China, said, Smacircle is a special creative design invented to fill in the gap in short commute personal transportation. Their team has spent countless hours on research and development, and are determined to bring the people the best possible solution for short commutes, he said.(来自中国深圳的首席执行官Gavin Yang表示,Smacircle是一项特殊的创意设计,旨在填补短途通勤个人交通的空白。他说,他们的团队在研发上花费了无数时间,决心为人们提供最短通勤时间的最佳解决方案。)”和最后一段“We have spent almost two years developing this Smacircle ebike and now we have made the concept a reality(我们花了近两年时间开发这款Smacircle电动自行车,现在我们已经实现了这个概念)”可知,Gavin Yang对电动自行车的未来持积极态度。故选D项。
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