Avoiding a handshake may have been considered impolite a couple of years ago, but it is now getting

 Avoiding a handshake may have been considered impolite a couple of years ago, but it is now getting more and more common, especially because of the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) .
Health officials have expressed the importance of completely washing our hands and maintaining proper hand hygiene. As a result, people around the world are creating alternatives for handshakes such as fist bumps and “elbow-bumps.”
Let’s take a look at some of the common greetings that are used around the world in place of the famous handshake and more of the alternatives people are using instead of shaking each others’ hands.
If you have ever traveled to Asian countries like China, India, or Cambodia, you may notice that it is common to see people bowing to greet each other. Bowing is a traditional sign of respect in many Asian cultures and has been a custom for centuries. 
Meanwhile, in parts of Europe like France, Italy, and Spain; countries in Latin/South America like Mexico, Peru, and Brazil, the air kiss is more common. Various rules regarding gender, relationship, and form also exist within these different countries. Officials in countries including France are recommending people avoid direct kisses.
Some other unique greetings include sniffing one another’s faces in native cultures in the island nations of Greenland and Tuvalu, sticking out one’s tongue in Tibet (a region of China), and clapping one’s hands in the African countries of Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
With the spread of COVID-19, people are getting creative with the ways they greet each other. A trend that has gained advantage is the “Wuhan Shake,” a greeting where two people gently bump each other’s feet with each foot. 
Additionally, people, including famous figures like Prince Harry, US Vice President Mike Pence, and celebrities and athletes, have been giving up the formal handshake for elbow bumps.
Although officials have not clearly issued warnings against shaking hands, many doctors and health specialists have praised the handshake alternatives as a way to continue maintaining proper hygiene.
12.How do people commonly greet each other in India according to this passage ?
A.By hugging each other. B.By formally shaking hands.
C.By bowing to greet each other. D.By touching noses.
13.What is the unique greeting in Tibet ?
A.Sniffing one another’ s faces. B.Sticking out one’s tongue.
C.Bowing with one’s hands. D.Clapping one’s hands.
14.What is the “Wuhan Shake” ?
A.It is a greeting of tapping each other' s feet. B.It is a greeting in which people do elbow bumps.
C.It is a greeting where social isolation happens. D.It is a greeting where air kisses are recommended.
15.What can be the best title for the text ?
A.The Impact Of COVID-19 On Living B.Good News On COVID-19 Vaccines
C.Formal Greeting Ways around the world D.No Handshake? No Problem!
细节理解题。根据第四段“If you have ever traveled to Asian countries like China, India, or Cambodia, you may notice that it is common to see people bowing to greet each other. Bowing is a traditional sign of respect in many Asian cultures and has been a custom for centuries.(如果你去过中国、印度或柬埔寨这样的亚洲国家,你可能会注意到人们互相鞠躬问候是很常见的。在许多亚洲文化中,鞠躬是一种传统的表示尊重的姿势,几百年来一直是一种习俗)”可知,印度人通过鞠躬来互相问候。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第四段“Some other unique greetings include sniffing one another’s faces in native cultures in the island nations of Greenland and Tuvalu, sticking out one’s tongue in Tibet (a region of China), and clapping one’s hands in the African countries of Zimbabwe and Mozambique.(其他一些独特的问候方式包括在格陵兰岛和图瓦卢的土著文化中嗅对方的脸,(中国的一个地区)在西藏通过伸出舌头问候对方,以及津巴布韦和莫桑比克的非洲国家通过鼓掌来问候)”可知,西藏特有的问候方式是伸出舌头。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“A trend that has gained advantage is the “Wuhan Shake,” a greeting where two people gently bump each other’s feet with each foot.(一种流行趋势是“Wuhan Shake”,即两个人用双脚轻轻碰撞对方的脚来打招呼)”可知,“Wuhan Shake”是指一种互相轻轻碰撞脚的问候方式。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Health officials have expressed the importance of completely washing our hands and maintaining proper hand hygiene. As a result, people around the world are creating alternatives for handshakes such as fist bumps and “elbow-bumps.”(卫生官员已经表达了彻底洗手和保持手部卫生的重要性。因此,世界各地的人们都在发明其他代替握手的问候方式,如碰拳和撞肘)”结合文章主要介绍了世界各地的人们一些不同的问候方式。可知,D选项“不能握手?没问题!”最符合文章标题。故选D。
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