Sunaian’s family left India and moved to the UK when she was 13. She had to start a new school...

Sunaian’s family left India and moved to the UK when she was 13. She had to start a new school...
I remember it really well. My parents drove me to the school and said goodbye to me. I took a deep breath and walked into the school.
I didn’t know what to feel. I was excited and scared and a bit nervous, all at the same time. There were lots of other kids around. They were already in groups of friends, but none of them said hello or anything. It was a strange feeling for me, like I didn’t really belong there. I wanted to be somewhere else, but that wasn’t possible.
The first thing I had to do was register, so I went to a room in the school that had a sign saying “Administration”. Suddenly, I felt like I was some kind of criminal. They started asking me all kinds of questions. Then I went off to my first class.
My first class. Wow, that was horrible. Perhaps it was because my hair or clothes were different, but everyone just looked at me in such a strange way. And just like when I arrived, no one came to talk to me. Incredibly, that’s never happened: no one has even taken the time to get to know me or like me. I have friends because I made the first move to meet people.
Maybe the worst class that day, though, was Science. The teacher wasn’t too bad. She introduced me to the class and showed me where to sit. But the other students? Well, they looked at me like I was a guinea pig or something they were going to use for an experiment. I hated every minute.
Then there was a break and I went to sit somewhere alone, missing my mum and dad. But I thought they’d want me to keep trying, so I tried to be more positive in the next class. Not so good, though. Everyone talked to other students, but I sat by myself. At the end of the day, I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
But, as time passed, things have got better. Now I’m doing fine and I get OK grades. I’ve learned lots of things — but not what the teachers teach. I’ve learned that I’m strong and brave. I’ve learned that I will succeed even if some things aren’t the way I want them to be.
29. From the passage, we can learn that ______.
A. Sunaina was well received upon the arrival at school
B. Sunaina was treated as a criminal in the register department.
C. Nobody wanted to waste time getting to know Sunaina at first.
D. Other students’ hair and clothes were similar to Sunaina in her class.
30. What made Sunaina think Science the worst class that day?
A. The Science teacher’s quality and qualification.
B. The way the other students looked at Sunaina.
C. The way the teacher introduced Sunaina to the class.
D. The other students’ thinking of using Sunaina for an experiment.
31. Which of the following is suitable to describe Sunaina?
A. Weak and scary. B. Tough and courageous.
C. Sensitive and shy. D. Generous and outgoing.
32. What does the story intend to tell us?
A. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
B. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
C. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
D. A good word is warm in winter, but a bad word hurts in June.
【答案】29. C    30. B    31. B    32. A
细节理解题。根据第五段中“And just like when I arrived, no one came to talk to me. Incredibly, that’s never happened: no one has even taken the time to get to know me or like me.”可知,Sunaian在新学校的第一节课上,没有同学想跟她说话,也没人愿意花时间去了解她、喜欢她,与C选项描述相符。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第六段中“But the other students? Well, they looked at me like I was a guinea pig or something they were going to use for an experiment.”可知,科学课上,老师对Sunaian还算不错,而同学们却把她当作实验用的豚鼠一样看待,这正是让她感到不舒服、觉得这节课最糟糕的原因。由此推之,其他学生看待Sunaian的方式,使得Sunaian认为科学是那天最糟糕的课程。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Now I’m doing fine and I get OK grades. I’ve learned lots of things — but not what the teachers teach. I’ve learned that I’m strong and brave. I’ve learned that I will succeed even if some things aren’t the way I want them to be.”可知,Sunaian虽然在新学校里受到同学们的冷落、排挤,但她并没有因此消沉,反而通过努力适应了新的环境,strong和brave就是描述她最好的词语,B选项中tough与strong含义相近,courageous与brave含义相近。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中Sunaian自己得出的感悟“I’ve learned lots of things — but not what the teachers teach. I’ve learned that I’m strong and brave. I’ve learned that I will succeed even if some things aren’t the way I want them to be.”可知,尽管遇到挫折和打击,但她仍能坚强地去面对,并因此变得更加勇敢和自信,A选项“杀不死你的会让你变得更强大”最符合文章要表达的思想。故选A项。
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