
A lot of people don’t want to learn how to swim because they’re afraid of drowning (溺水). Here are some simple safety ways to avoid drowning.
46. ____________ Stay within a depth you can deal with. When you’re first learning how to swim,don’t get into water that's too deep for you to stand in. If something goes wrong, you can simply stand up and breathe.
47. ____________ Don’t swim in bad weather conditions. Swimming in a little rain should be fine, but if you see or hear a storm coming, get out of the water at once.
48. ____________ Don’t swim in water that’s too cold Moving your hands and legs can become suddenly difficult if you're in very cold water.
49. ____________ Don't swim alone. Always go swimming with at least a strong swimmer. An area with a lifeguard is usually the best place to swim.
50. ____________ Don’t swim in moving water If you must learn to swim in an ocean or river, watch the motion (运动)of the water carefully. Make sure you’re with someone who knows the situation well,and be sure to read the step about getting out of a riptide (激流)or a rushing river.
46-50. CDEAB

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