The annual 3-to-4-millimeter rise in sea levels is expected to impact many coastal communities in th

The annual 3-to-4-millimeter rise in sea levels is expected to impact many coastal communities in the coming decades. However, few are as defenceless as the Republic of the Maldives, a collection of more than a thousand scenic islands in the Indian Ocean. NASA researchers believe that parts of what is “arguably the lowest-lying country in the world” will become uninhabitable by 2050, due to wave-driven flooding and limited freshwater. To fight the unavoidable, the government recently revealed plans for the world’s first ‘true’ floating island city.
The appropriately-named Maldives Floating City(MFC) is the brainchild of Dutch Docklands, a global leader in floating construction. According to the March 13 2021 announcement, the new city will be constructed on a 200-hectare lagoon (环礁湖)located just 10 minutes by boat from the Maldivian capital, Male. It will initially consist of a thousand waterfront residences, arranged in a series of honeycomb-like rows. The developers plan to add hotels, restaurants, shops, and even a school and a hospital in the near future. The floating structures will be attached to the surrounding islands, which will form a base and provide protection from high tides.
Maldive officials aim to make MFC as self-supporting as possible. Freshwater storage will provide drinking water for residents, while floating solar blankets and agriculture fields will take care of their energy and food needs.
“This Maldives Floating City does not require any land rehabilitation, therefore has a minimal impact on the coral reefs,” explains Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker of Parliament. “What’s more, giant, new reefs will be grown to act as water breakers. In the Maldives, we cannot stop the waves, but we can rise with them.
Construction of the revolutionary city is expected to begin in 2022 and be completed in steps over the next five years. If successful, it will provide a blueprint for other countries facing a similar situation.
32. Why does Maldives decide to build MFC?
A. It is the lowest-lying country. B. It will be flooded soon.
C. It is running out of fresh water. D. It will be unsuitable for living.
33. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A. The prospect of MFC. B. The developers of the plan.
C. The location of the residences. D. The barriers to the construction.
34. What can we infer from the underlined words?
A. MFC will keep waves away. B. MFC will make use of waves.
C. MFC will adjust to the waves. D. MFC will work as water breakers.
35. What’s the writing purpose of this passage?
A. To introduce a construction program. B. To appeal to people to protect nature.
C. To seek international help for Maldives. D. To report the achievement of a city plan
32. D 33. A 34. C 35.A
32. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中“NASA researchers believe that parts of what is"arguably the lowest lying country in the world"will become uninhabitable by 2050, due to wave-driven flooding and limited freshwater. To fight the unavoidable, the government recently revealed plans for the world’s first ‘true’ floating island city.(美国宇航局的研究人员认为,由于海浪引发的洪水和有限的淡水,这个“可以说是世界上地势最低的国家”的部分地区到2050年将无法居住。为了应对不可避免的情况,政府最近公布了世界上第一个“真正的”漂浮岛屿城市的计划)”可知,马尔代夫建造漂浮城市是因为不久的将来,它将不适合居住。故选D。
33. A。主旨大意题。根据2021年3月13日的声明,这座新城将建在一个200公顷的环礁湖上,距离马尔代夫首都马累乘船只需10分钟。它最初将由1000个滨水住宅组成,排列成一系列蜂窝状的迷宫。开发商计划在不久的将来增加酒店、餐馆、商店,甚至是一所学校和一家医院。漂浮的建筑将附着在周围的岛屿上,这将形成个基底,并提供抵御涨潮的保护)”可知,本段主要描述了漂浮城市的规划设计,也就是发展前景。故选A。
34. C。推理判断题。根据第四段划线句子“In the Maldives, we cannot stop the waves, but we can rise with them.(在马尔代夫,我们无法阻止海浪,但我们可以和它们一起上升)”可知,作者通过这句话表明在马尔代夫,无法避免会遭遇海浪,但是可以适应海浪的出现,适应不同强度的海浪,也就意味着漂浮城市也要适应海浪。故选C。
35. A。推理判断题。结合第二题分析可知,第二段描写了这个计划的发展前景;第三段中 Freshwater storage will provide drinking water for residents, while floating solar blankets and agriculture fields will take care of their energy and food needs.(淡水储存将为居民提供饮用水,而漂浮的太阳能毯和农田将满足他们的能源和食物需求)”描述这个城市的居民能源以及水和食物的供应:第四段描述了这个计划对珊瑚礁的影响以及居民如何应对海浪,最后一段介绍了这个计划的时间安排,所以作者写本文主要就是为了介绍马尔代夫这个漂浮城市的建造计划的。故选A。
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