As is commonly known, Antarctica is an icy continent with extreme environment. However

As is commonly known, Antarctica is an icy continent with extreme environment. However, a new study provides evidence that the area had a rainforest in the past.
The researchers collected a piece of Earth sediment from under the seafloor off the coast of Antarctica. In the sediment, they discovered forest material that was estimated to be about 90 million years old. At that period, dinosaurs were the ruler animals of the land.
Johann Klages, a German geologist, was the lead writer of a study on the findings, published in the journal Nature. He said the sediment was collected from a depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor. Klages said an examination showed that the material didn’t form in the ocean.
The researchers estimate that the area — about 900 kilometers from the South Pole — had average yearly temperatures of about 12°C to 13°C. The soil included fine dirt particles and hard clay, as well as substances linked to at least 65 different kinds of plants, the study found. Although no animal remains were found, Klages said there were likely dinosaurs, flying reptiles and many insects in the environment.
The research represents new evidence of the major climate changes Earth experienced in the past — and is currently undergoing today. The soil in the sediment dates back to the planet’s warmest period of the past 140 million years, with sea level about 170 meters higher than today. The researchers said that the rainforest environment in Antarctica was especially surprising because each year, the area experiences a four-month polar night when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life. Klages said no ice sheets were present during the time, but seasonal snowfall was likely.
32. What can we learn about the sediment collected?
A. It formed in the age of dinosaurs. B. It was found on the Antarctica land.
C. Ancient forest material was found in it. D. Some dinosaur remains were found in it.
33. How did the researchers reach their findings?
A. By analyzing the Earth sediment. B. By exploring ice in Antarctica.
C. By collecting data on climate. D. By researching special plants.
34. What can be indicated in the last paragraph?
A. Seasonal snowfall made the forest disappear.
B. Antarctica was much colder 140 million years ago.
C. Antarctica’s natural environment has changed greatly.
D. Polar nights in Antarctica are getting shorter than before.
35. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Rainforest disappeared from Antarctica.
B. Antarctica had a different history of climate.
C. Researchers studied a piece of Earth sediment of Antarctica.
D. Antarctica had an extreme environment containing ice and snow.
32. C    33. A    34. C    35. B
32. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中第一句可知,在收集的沉积物中发现了古代森林物质。
33. A。细节理解题。根据第二段首句以及第三段可知,研究人员是通过分析地球沉积物得出他们的发现的。
34. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知,最后一段说明了南极洲的自然环境发生了很大的变化。
35. B。主旨大意题。根据第一段可知,这篇文章的主旨是南极洲有一个不同的气候历史。
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