Unit 1 This is me! Grammar 有参考答案

1. Are they in Class Six?(用he替换they改写句子)
________he________ ________ ________?
2. Mary is at home now.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________Mary now?
3. I am strong.(改为一般疑问句)
________ ________strong?
4. He isn’t in the classroom.(改为复数句)
________ ________in the classroom.
5. Kitty and Amy are in the playground.(改为否定句)
Kitty and Amy________ ________in the playground.
6. Her dog is 2 years old.(改为否定句)
Her dog________ ________2 years old.
7. I have some pencils.(改为一般疑问句)
________ ________have________pencils?
8. These red socks are Kate’s.(改为一般疑问句)
________ ________red socks Kate’s?
9. It’s an English book.(对画线部分提问)
10. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ ________Lily and Lucy now?
1. 你喜欢画画吗?
Do you_______________________?
2. 我爷爷经常晚饭后散步。
My grandpa often___________________.
3. 你父母是美国人吗?
Do your parents_______________?
4. 我通常和朋友们一起上学。
I________________with my friends.
5. 那个男孩不是一班的。
The boy________________.
一、1. is, is 2. Are, am 3. is, am 4. are, am 5. is, are
二、1-5 CCCAC 6-10 CBBCA
三、1. Is, in Class Six 2. Where is
3. Are you 4. They aren’t 5. are not
6. is not 7. Do you, any 8. Are these
9. What’s 10. How old are
四、1. like/love drawing 2. walks after supper
3. come from the USA/America 4. usually go to school
5. isn’t in Class One

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