• Cities around China started allowing people to set up roads

    2021-08-29 admin 46 次 英语

    Cities around China started allowing people to set up roadside booths or food stalls on streets

  • 28. In the dream Peter saw himself _________ by a fierce wol

    2021-08-10 admin 81 次 英语


  • A star athlete at the college where I work recently stopped

    2021-08-04 admin 19 次 英语

    【30题详解】细节理解题。第四段第一句提到“Psychologists Luthar and Kumar urge parents and teachers to spend time helping students find purpose, or goals they genuinely love to purs

  • Emma stared(凝视) sadly out of the window of the bus. Only 5

    2021-02-06 admin 893 次 英语


  • 21.【2020 •南通市】—I heard NBA star Kobe Bryant’s privat

    2020-10-27 admin 54 次 英语


  • When Kevin Durant gave his tearful MVP speech in 2014, the N

    2020-09-23 admin 65 次 英语

    解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句的下一句中的“she also wanted to make sure that her son knew the importance of financial planning.”可知,杜兰特的母亲想让杜兰特知道财务规划的重

  • A star athlete stopped by my office and she was eaten up by

    2020-03-18 admin 823 次 英语


  • Human wants seem endless. When a starving man gets a meal, h

    2020-02-24 admin 47 次 英语

    答案与解析:D 由第三段最后三句可知,二战结束时,美国人第三个级别的需求出现了,包括汽车和新房子,由此推断,当时很多人没有汽车。答案与解析:B 第四段的第二句提到了第四个级别的需求的主要内容,即:精神

  • A video of a starving wild polar bear wandering around dry l

    2020-02-12 admin 54 次 英语

    A video of a starving wild polar bear wandering around dry l 【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一只瘦削的北极熊在寻找食物的视频引发作者思考,作者呼吁人们保护地球。C 解析:细节理解题。根据文中第一段可知,这只北极熊在垃圾堆寻找食物,因为饥饿而徘徊

  • A star athlete at the college where I work recently stopped

    2020-02-06 admin 1693 次 英语


  • A star athlete at the college where I work recently stopped

    2020-01-18 admin 686 次 英语

    C. Success is not always under control.
    D. Effort is more important than ability.

    38. C 39. D 40. A
    41. C
