假设你是晨光中学的学生李津。你在某网站的论坛上读到一位名为 concerned 的高三学生发的帖子,得知由于新冠肺炎爆发

第四部分 写作部分(25分)书面表达
  假设你是晨光中学的学生李津。你在某网站的论坛上读到一位名为 concerned 的高三学生发的帖子,得知由于新冠肺炎爆发,他不能返校而不得不在家上网课,由于担心即将到来的高考他非常焦虑。请根据以下提示给 concerned留言:
(1)词数不少于 100;
the novel coronavirus outbreak新冠肺炎爆发     epidemic疫情
Concerned Any Suggestion?
                                          Posted on Mar.,2nd , 2020
The College Entrance Examinations are drawing near but I have no choice but to have online lessons at home. I’m so worried......
Reply to Concerned
                                           Posted on Mar. 5th , 2020, 10:00PM
Hi, Concerned,
Hi, Concerned,
                                                     Yours ,
                                                      Li Jin
第四部分 写作部分(25分)书面表达
Hi, Concerned,
I’m LiJin from chenguang High school .It happened that I read the message you posted on the Internet , learning you are too worried about the coming Exams to focus on your study because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. To ease your stressful emotions, I’d like to offer some suggestions as follows.
As far as I’m concerned , there are a number of ways to get rid of your anxiety. To begin with , you’d better stay positive faced with the epidemic. In addition , the key to the problem is to stick to a normal daily routine and arrange a reasonable schedule ,which helps enhance your learning efficiency. Finally , it’s wise of you to take each online course seriously, drawing upon this unique opportunity to make up for your missed lessons.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any more help.
Li Jin
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