26. Which of the following people would feel most uncomfortable without the news media?

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Stuck on a desert island?
Started on 23rd April by Steve                   Posts 1 – 7 of 42
Post 1
Hi, everyone. What would you miss most and least if you were stuck on a desert island? For me, it would be the changing seasons in New England. I guess this will sound stupid but I’d probably miss the rain, too. I wouldn’t miss getting up at six every day to go to work, though! What about you?
Post 2
Good question. Steve, I think I’d miss different types of bread, and shopping at the supermarket. I’d miss the food most. What would I miss least? My mobile phone---I’d like to be completely quiet --- at least for a little while
Post 3
I would miss the company of people because I know I’d like to have someone to share experiences with. I’d go mad on my own. And I sure wouldn’t miss junk mail(垃圾邮件) --- I hate coming home every evening and a pile of junk mail in my post box.
Post 4
Hi, I would miss Manga cartoon, the internet and Japanese food, like sushi. I’d also miss TV shows and shopping for clothes… In fact, I’d miss everything.
Post 5
I would miss my daily newspaper and listening to the news on TV and radio. I’d feel very cut off if I didn’t know what was happening in the world. What I’d miss least would be traffic jams in the city, particularly my journey to work.
Past 6
Why hasn’t anyone mentioned their family? I’d be lost without my husband and two kids. They’re the most important for me. And I can’t get started in the morning without a cup of black coffee. I wouldn’t miss doing the housework! 
Post 7
It would have to be music. I couldn’t live without my music. I wouldn’t miss going to school at all or doing homework!
25. Who would miss his or her family most?
A. Jaime            B. Jayne          C. Miko             D. Paola.
26. Which of the following people would feel most uncomfortable without the news media?
A. Steve.          B. Jaime         C. Roger.          D. Tomas
27. How many of them mentioned that they would miss food or drink?
A. One             B. Two           C. Three           D. Four  
25.答案:B 细节理解题。根据Post 6中的“I’d be lost without my husband and my two kids”和“They’re the most important for me”可知,对于Jayne而言,家人会是她最想念的。
26.答案:C 细节理解题。根据Post 5第一句“I would miss my daily newspaper and listening to the news on TV and radio.”和第二句“I’d feel very cut off if I didn’t know what was happening in the world”可知Roger一旦不了解身边的新闻消息,会感到非常的难受。
27.答案:C 细节理解题。根据Post 2中“I think I’d miss different types of bread”,Post 4中“I would miss...and Japanese food”以及Post 6中“And I can’t get started...without a cup of black coffee”可以计算出来文中共提到了三个人会想念他们的食物和咖啡。

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