Just as I began a new job in New York, I had to learn another important job: father. I was a busines

Just as I began a new job in New York, I had to learn another important job: father. I was a businessman. At the office I had three new     61     project, and at home I had a young son who was growing fast and     62    (need) me. I was puzzled  and didn’t know how to deal with the relationship between job and family until one day, during my business trip in Chicago,  I came      63      an old family friend Dan,      64    was once a patient of my father. He told me something about my father.
65      was my father that helped him go through the cancer. When Dan knew he got cancer, he was very upset and wanted   66     (give) up, but my father, his doctor, encouraged him to go on     67     (fight) against the cancer. My father said to     him, “You have     68      wonderful life and three fine children. Take some time with them. It’s family that we live      for--not just ourselves. Think of that         69         you will know life’s worth the fight.” His words touched me, and I        70
(sudden) realized that family is the most important in the world. I should spend more time staying with them.
61. projects 62. needed 63. across 64. who
65. It 66. to give 67. fighting 68. a
69. and 70. suddenly    
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