A: Jenny, tomorrow is your mother's sixtieth birthday. B: I know that._____47_____

Passage 34(2020 •四川凉山州)
A: Jenny, tomorrow is your mother's sixtieth birthday.
B: I know that._____47_____
A: First of all, a birthday present. What about buying her a beautiful dress?
B: That's a good idea____48____ And a big birthday cake with sixty candles, too.
A: That's right. Shall we have a special dinner?
B: How about a Chinese dinner?
B: We can have it at home. I've learned to cook a few dishes from a Chinese friend. I'm sure Mom would like them.
A: All right._____50_____
B: Yes. Why don’t we go together, Dad?
A: OK. When?
B: This afternoon.
A. Fine .Where should we have it?
B. How shall we celebrate it?
C. Are you going to do some shopping as well?
D. I believe it will make her look younger.
47.B【解析】根据答语First of all, a birthday present. 意为“首先要有一个生日蛋糕”,可知上句问的是我们要怎样庆祝。故选B。
48.D【解析】根据上一句What about buying her a beautiful dress?意为“那给她买件漂亮的长裙怎么样?”可知下句是关于母亲穿上裙子的评价,即“我觉得她穿上会很显年轻的。” 故选D。
49.A【解析】根据上一句How about a Chinese dinner?意为“中式晚餐怎么样?”可知是提议,答语应是同意或不同意;另外根据下一句We can have it at home.意为“我们可以在家中。”可知上文是问地点在哪儿。故应是“很好呀,我们应该在哪里吃饭呢?” 故选A。
50.C【解析】根据答语Yes.可知上句是一般疑问句,备选答案只有C Are you going to do some shopping as well?意为“您还要去购物吗?”符合语境且是一般疑问句。故选C。
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