Growing flowers from seeds needs both physical work and self-control. One must take care of the seed

第一节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Growing flowers from seeds needs both physical work and self-control. One must take care of the seeds, and make sure they get watered on ___1___ basis and believe they will actually produce flowers beautifully. Thus, ___2___ beautiful flowers without mistakes is a miracle(奇迹),which needs to be fed,___3___ and hard work. How does the same thing ___4___in life?
The miracle I dreamed of was to become an excellent___5___.I would, to be honest, sit in front motivational speakers as they spoke, ___6___ one of them would spot something valuable in me and encourage me to follow my ___7___.I neither said anything nor did anything ____8____wish. Then one day, I met a professional speaker at a conference I attended. He told me the National Speakers Association ___9___helps whoever makes up his mind to start professional speaking businesses. Their club was two hours' drive away from my home, and expensive, but I was very ____ 10____ to hear of it. Frankly, it didn't matter to be ____11____or to pay it. I joined it and made my first speech but I ____ 12____ halfway. I got so angry at myself that after getting home I locked myself in my home to ____13____making speeches for three days. And I ____14____ figured out what I would speak on and then tried to improve my speaking _____15_____ .I stuck to it and sincerely said thanks to whoever ____16____ my shortcomings. All the time, I stopped the negative voice in my head from ____17____me.
Now five years passed, and a(n)____18____ was worked. At the age of 53, I became a professional speaker at last. What miracle are you hoping for? What seed do you mean to ____19____ and then water it, to grow your miracle? If you haven't started, remember to do it now, and the____20____, the better.
1. A. new B. regular C. enjoyable       D. firm
2. A. watering B. enjoying C. observing       D. harvesting
3. A. cared for B. swept up C. put aside        D.picked out
4. A. achieve B. appear C. live            D. improve
5. A. receiver B. representative C. speaker         D. editor
6. A. informing B. foreseeing C. arranging        D. wishing
7. A. task B. dream C. heart            D. bravery
8. A. until B. so C. but             D. as
9. A. really B. partly C. seriously        D. perfectly
10. A. excited B. eager C. unwilling        D. positive
11. A. difficult B. anxious C. unreasonable     D. inconvenient
12. A. lost B. started C. quitted          D. fastened
13. A. practice B. finish C. enjoy           D. approve
14. A. slowly B. finally C. instantly        D. constantly
15. A. skills B. impressions C. energies        D. opportunities
16. A. took up B. pointed out C. left out         D.broke down
17. A. rejecting B. applying C. approving       D. disturbing
18. A. miracle B. description C. collection       D. barrier
19. A. use B. conclude C. handle         D. plant
20. A. easier B. more C. sooner         D. shorter
1-5  B D A B C     6-10 D B C A A     11-15 D C A B A    16-20 B D A D C
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