完形填空 We read a story about a woman who moved to a small town. After being there a short time, she

We read a story about a woman who moved to a small town. After being there a short time, she   36   to her neighbor about the poor service she received at the local drugstore. She was hoping her new acquaintance would repeat her   37   to the store’s owner.
The next time the   38   went to the drugstore, the druggist greeted her with a big smile, told her how   39   he was to see her again, and said he hoped she liked their town. He also offered himself   40   a resource to the woman and her husband as they got   41  . Then he took care of her order quickly and efficiently.
Later the woman reported the unbelievable   42   to her friend. “I suppose you told him how poor I thought the   43   was?” she declared.
“Well, no,” the neighbor said. “  44  —and I hope you don’t mind—I told him you were   45   at the way he had built up this small town drugstore,   46   that you thought it was one of the best-run drugstores you’d ever seen.”
That woman’s neighbor understood that people   47   respect. In fact, most people will do nearly anything for you if you treat them   48  . And that means making it clear to them that their   49   are important, their preferences are respected, and their opinions are   50  . It means giving them the benefit of the doubt. Or as poet-philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson put it, “Every man is   51   to be valued by his best moments.”
Where love focuses on giving to others, respect shows a   52  to receive from them. If you have had the opportunity to work in many environments, and you have   53   both types of people—those who have and those who have not shown you respect—you   54   how motivational respect can be. And you also know that you are more easily influenced by people who   55   you well.
36. A. turned         B. apologized     C. pointed      D. complained
37. A. criticism       B. pleasure        C. guidance     D. invitation
38. A. acquaintance   B. newcomer    C. neighbor     D. owner
39. A. reluctant       B. ashamed       C. happy       D. awkward
40. A. to            B. about        C. with        D. as
41. A. served        B. settled        C. visited     D. prepared
42. A. discovery      B. effect        C. change     D. dignity
43. A. service        B. medicine     C. description   D. partner
44. A. In general      B. In fact       C. In turn       D. In time
45. A. shocked      B. embarrassed   C. frightened    D. amazed         
46. A. and           B. but          C. so          D. or
47. A. cater to       B. cope with     C. respond to   D. identify with
48. A. luckily       B. respectfully    C. cautiously      D. flexibly
49. A. memories     B. customs       C. incomes      D. feelings
50. A. diverse       B. personal      C. valuable      D. familiar
51. A. entitled          B. forced    C. advised       D. employed
52. A. regret        B. willingness   C. compromise     D. challenge
53. A. agreed with   B. differed from C. turned down     D. worked for
54. A. understand      B. ensure        C. guess       D. mention
55. A. believe         B. treat         C. amuse      D. teach

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