There is probably nothing 1._____ (scary) than fighting an enemy 2._____ you cannot see. The novel c

There is probably nothing 1._____ (scary) than fighting an enemy 2._____ you cannot see. The novel coronavirus is one of these invisible 3._____ (enemy) , and it has done quite 4._____ bit of damage. Ever since it was first spotted in Wuhan, Hubei in December, it has infected more than 44,000 people in China and other places in the world. As of Feb 11, 1,113 people were reported killed in China.But even if we cannot see the virus, we know 5._____  it behaves and spreads around, which is just like most other viruses. “The number one thing you can do 6._____ (prevent ) any respiratory illness is to practice good personal hygiene,” Tom Moorcroft, co-founder of Origins Of Health, a US-based health center, told CNET. And that includes 7._____ (wear) a mask and washing hands.By wearing a mask, you keep yourself away 8._____ the droplets coughed and sneezed by 9._____ (infect) people. These droplets can spread the virus – as far as two meters!10._____ , these droplets don’t stay in the air for long before falling and landing on surfaces, like tables or smartphones. They can also be transmitted to elevator buttons and door knobs by our hands. And here is where washing hands becomes crucial, because, according to Jiang Rongmeng, a member of China’s National Health Commission expert group, the novel coronavirus can stay alive for quite a long time on smooth surfaces.
1.scarier   2.that   3.enemies    4. a prevent   7.wearing   8.from   9.infected  10.However

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