Ever since people left Africa for West Asia, about 70,000BC, they have probably always eaten wheat.

Ever since people left Africa for West Asia, about 70,000BC, they have probably always eaten wheat. Wheat ___1___ good and is also a good source of carbohydrates(碳水化合物), but for hundreds of thousands of years, people did not ___2___ wheat. They just picked wheat in the wild, wherever it___ 3___ to grow.
Sometime around10,000BC, though, the area around Mesopotamia and Egypt became so crowded that there was no longer enough ___4___ to go around just by ___5___ it and people had to begin growing it ___6___, removing all the plants that people couldn't eat like pine trees, and ___7___the ones that people could eat, like wheat.
___8___, people made wheat easier to grow and eat, by choosing the seeds of the ___9___ plants for the next year's planting. They chose wheat with big heavy ___10___(the part you eat), and wheat whose berries were easy to separate from the chaff(the part you don't ___11___).
People got to have lots of wheat. They learned different ways of ___12___ wheat. Sometimes, they put it in a pot with ___13___ and boiled it into porridge. This was easy to do, and also it used very little ___14___ to cook it. Other times, they made bread with it.This was ___15___ to cook and needed more fuel,___16___ they could carry it around and ___17___ it better than porridge, and it tasted better. Mostly, they made bread, or ___18___ or pizza.
By around 1,500 BC, people were growing ___19___ in China.But people did not make wheat into bread. ___20___, they made noodles.
1. A. looks  B. tastes C.sounds D.smells
2.A.grow B.store    C.discover D.divide 
3.A.liked B.tended C.happened D.decided
4.A.power B.equipment C.service D.food
5.A.buying B.picking C.improving D.exchanging
6.A.on purpose B.on time C.in advance D.in turn
7.A.protecting B.planting C.selling D.removing
8.A.Strangely B.Probably C.Gradually D.Obviously
9.A.old B.rare C.tallest D.best
10.A.leaves B.roots C.heads D.trunks
11.A.sow B.nurse C.eat D.carry
12. A.cooking B.managing C.spreading D.harvesting
13. A.salt B.meat C.water D.oil
14. A.powder B.milk C.money D.fuel
15. A.useless B. hard C.impossible D.unnecessary
16. A.but B.because C.so D.or
17. A.cover B.change C.keep D.operate
18. A.vegetables B.coffee C.sauce D.pancakes
19. A.rice B.wheat C.trees D.flowers
20. A.Instead B.Therefore C.Besides D.Otherwise
     答案:1-5 BACDB 6-10 ABCDC 11-15 DACDB 16-20 ACDBA
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