七年级下册基础知识当堂测 Unit 1 有参考答案

Unit 1
1. Our school has five art _________(俱乐部).
2. The p_________ in China are friendly to us and we like them.
3. The teacher often _________(交谈)with my parents.
4. My sister is too young. She can’t _________(写字).
5. A m_________ is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.
1. Ann is my best friend. She can play ________ piano very well.
A. / B. a
C. the
2. Could you please speak a little louder? I ________ hear you very well.
A. can’t B. mustn’t
C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
3. Amy can help her mother ________ the housework.
A. with B. to
C. for D. in
4. Miss Yang is good ____ art. And she can be good ________ children in the art club.
A. at; at B. with; at
C. at; with D. with; with
5. —Can your brother play chess?
—Yes, he ________ . But he can’t play ________.
A. can; good B. can’t; nice
C. can; well D. can’t; fine
6. What does your sister like, music, art ________ sports?
A. and B. or
C. but D. /
7. If(如果)you have any questions, please call me ________ 898-8988.
A. at B. to
C. for D. on
8. We have no classes ________. We can play basketball with Tony.
A. in the weekend B. on the weekend
C. from the week D. on the week
9. Our teacher is funny. He often ________ stories in class.
A. tells B. says
C. talks D. speaks
10. —Does she like________?
—Yes, she has many friends.
A. make friend B. make friends
C. to make friend D. to make friends
11. —________do you like?
—The swimming club.
A. What club B. What sport
C. Which subject D. Which food
12. Let’s ________ for a walk, shall we?
A. to go B. going
C. go D. goes
13. She ________ Chinese and she can also ________ a little English.
A. speak; speaks B. speak; speak
C. speaks; speak D. speaks; speaks
14. What about ________ a walk after you finish supper, John?
A. take B. taking
C. takes D. to take
15. —What can you do, Eric?
A. I like music
B. I want to join the music club
C.I can do Chinese kung fu
D. That sounds good
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