Every year you collect a large amount of junk. Think about Christmas presents, birthday presents and

Every year you collect a large amount of junk. Think about Christmas presents, birthday presents and holiday souvenirs, and the list goes on. Where does it all end up? Well, if you don't throw it out, it goes to the basement (地下室).
However, things with huge amounts of value might be buried in those unwanted  gifts. Perhaps there's a beautiful crystal boat in a bottle that was made just long   enough ago to be worth a large amount of money. Or, maybe it's an old board  game that was never used and has now become a collectable.Yes, these items  can be your ticket to a hidden treasure, and all you need to do is go hunting.
Once you find the items, you'll probably be wondering how to sell them.  Most people choose the standard yard sale and this, of course, is a mistake. You won't find the collectors by this type of sale.Instead, you need to reach  the widest audience possible.The answer? eBay.
With eBay, you can gain a large amount of attention, start an auction(拍卖)  and get selling.Of course, before you can do this, you have to set yourself up  as a trusted seller. You can do that quite simply by buying a few small, cheap  items first. This will raise the rating(等级) of your little online shop. After  that, you should have no trouble at all attracting buyers.
Of course, this can just be the beginning.Once you know how to sell things online, you can start making a lot more money by investing and reselling.It's a great choice for a second income.
【语篇解读】 本文语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是生活。你是否有很多不想要的礼物呢?拿到eBay网上销售吧,这可以为自己挣得一笔收入哦。
13.According to the text, the gifts we get every year ________.
A.are a waste of money
B.can be valuable sometimes
C.should go to yard sales
D.should be kept in a safe place
B [推理判断题。根据第二段可知,在你那些不想要的礼物中,很可能会有一些值钱的或是值得收藏的东西。]
14.Why does the author suggest selling your things on eBay?
A.It's designed for collectors.
B.It follows official standards.
C.It has a much larger audience.
D.It seldom makes any mistakes.
C [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Instead,you need to reach the widest audience possible.The answer?eBay.”可知,eBay网用户多,在这个网上卖东西更容易找到买主。]
15.What do you have to do before selling things on eBay?
A.Gain public attention.
B.Buy some expensive things.
C.Attend several local auctions.
D.Raise your shop's credit rating.
D [细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Of course,before you can do this,you have to set yourself up as a trusted seller...This will raise the   rating(等级) of your little online shop.”可知,要想在eBay网上开设网站销售自己的物品,首先要通过购买小件商品来提升自己的信誉度。]
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