The Ways of Getting Happiness Spend more time in your values. Living your values is one of the simpl

Ⅱ.阅读七选五(题源:《时代周刊》 考查热点:积极的生活态度)
The Ways of Getting Happiness
Spend more time in your values. Living your values is one of the simplest ways to happiness every day.  1 ,the best way to make the most of it is to connect your work to your values. When you spend more time in your values, you enjoy the journey more. 
 2 . One of the best things you can do is to find simple ways to gradually improve your overall happiness level. One of the worst things you can do is to compare your happiness level to others, or beat yourself up for not being a shiny, happy person. 
Drive from happiness or decide to drive from happiness. Happiness is a decision. This is where you have to look inside, and answer the tough questions. What do you like to do? What makes you happy? It's very easy to keep doing the things that we think others expect from us, or want for us. 3 
Don't fall for the “if-then” or “when-then” traps.I'll be happy if I get that job; 4 ,I'll be happy; I'll be happy if I get that relationship;etc. It's easy to put your happiness “out there” instead of “right here”. 
Point your camera on purpose. Point your camera at the things that you want.  5 . You can point your camera at more pain, or more pleasure. That's a powerful choice. It's easy to test. Simply start pointing your camera at better scenes each day and the world around you. 
A.If it doesn't happen
B.If I get that house
C.You can get what you focus on
D.Set your own happiness level
E.If you spend a lot of time at work
F.Watch what unfolds in yourself
G.However,you should look inside and find the things that really make you happy
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