The zero-effort holiday workout Build fun activities into your time away and you may even bur

The zero-effort holiday workout
       Build fun activities into your time away and you may even burn off the extra calories (卡路里)  you eat. Try to be active for at least two hours a day.
       Go for an evening walk. Take a leaf out of the book of people in southern Mediterranean countries and go for a walk when it’s a bit cooler. Try to make it a daily routine while you’re away. It’s a pleasant way to experience local life.  36  
       Get in the water. Don’t just relax at the water’s edge but go for a swim from time to time, play games or just walk in the water.  37  Or if that all sounds a bit too cold and wet, rent a rowing boat, or go sailing. Messing about on the water burns calories and exercises your muscles (肌肉) more than being on dry land.
       Fly a kite.  38  It will give your upper body a great workout as you struggle with that kite and run to keep it in the air or follow it down when it falls to earth.
       Fly a Frisbee (飞盘).  39  And if you play Frisbee on a sandy beach, you’ll be working those leg muscles that much harder.
        40  Have a daily competition in the swimming pool, such as swimming between people’s legs or making the biggest splash (飞溅), or a week-long badminton tournament. And make sure you make it as silly as possible.
A. Play ball games.
B. Hold a family Olympics.
C. You may never think of it as an exercise.
D. This is an excellent activity for a windy day.
E. And you’ll feel spiritually and physically refreshed.
F. You’ll get your heart rate up every time you run or jump for that plastic plate.
G. Simply standing in the water is a good workout thanks to the action of the water.
36. E。由该段中的go for a walk when it’s a bit cooler和该空前的It’s a pleasant way to experience local life可知,晚上出去散步,既可以燃烧卡路里,还可以体验当地的生活,你会在精神和身体上都感到很舒畅。
37. G。由该段的Get in the water可知,G项内容“只是站在水里也是很好的运动,因为水的推动会对身体产生作用”符合此处语境。
38. D。由该空前的Fly a kite可知,在有风天放风筝是一项很好的活动。
39. F。F项中的you run or jump for that plastic plate是对Fly a Frisbee这项活动的描述。
40. B。由该段中的competition和tournament可知,B项“举办一个家庭奥林匹克运动会”适合作本段的标题。

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