The sun was slipping down through the trees and it was time to go home. Time was running out. His mo

The sun was slipping down through the trees and it was time to go home. Time was running out. His mother would look at him and she would know. She always knew. A hot tear ran down his cheek. She trusted him. This was the first year she  had left him alone for three hours between school and the time she got home from work. She had to work to buy his clothes and to pay for their food and for a place to live. He remembered the nice way she said, “You are a little man now, Joy.” It made him sad when his mother’s words came back to him. She trusted him.
Remembering this, he felt as if someone had stuck a sharp stick into his side. Her trust in him was all he could think about now. It drove everything else from his mind. “She trusted me.” He kept saying to himself, “She trusted me.” This was most important. Next to this, the pipe and its magic power meant nothing.
Joy looked at the long shadows coming toward him. He now knew what he had to do. And he was in a hurry to get it done. When he took the pipe, he left the store with slow unsure steps. Now his feet were quick, decisive, taking him straight back to the store like an arrow. He was out of breath when he reached the store.
Mr. Dow was just inside the door. The big man smiled. Joy wished he had not. Somehow, a bad friendly smile made it more difficult for Joy to do what he wanted to do Joy was lost for a moment. His feet felt heavy. Suddenly, blindly, he held out the pipe. His voice struggled to come out from deep inside of the painful chest.
“Mr. Dow,” he said at last, “I didn’t mean to take it.”
“Thanks, Joy.” Mr. Dow said as he gently took the pipe from the boy’s hand. “How about staying around and helping me close up the shop?”
Joy felt Mr.Dow’s big hand on his shoulder. And Joy felt his shoulders had become a little broader and stronger.

21.What kind of a life did Joy and his mother live?
A. A happy life.    B. A new life.    C. A poor life.    D. A modem life.
22.Why did Joy feel like being hurt by something sharp?
A.He felt sorry for his mother.
B.He couldn’t help the family.
C.He had run away from school.
D.He disappointed his mother’s expectations.
23.What do we know about Mr. Dow’s smile to Joy?
A. It’s broad.    B. It’s secret.    C. It’s false.    D. It’s warm.
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A. Magic Trust    B. A Powerful Smile    C. Unconditional Love    D. An Interesting Pipe

B 篇- C D D A   
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