Healthy eating habits have positive effects on everyone. However, students can especially benefit fr

第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
Healthy eating habits have positive effects on everyone. However, students can especially benefit from meeting the particular nutritional demands of the school day. To be good academically, children must be physically able to attend class and focus on the tasks at hand. Math, language study, reading and creative thinking also require physical support from food energy and nutrients.   36   
Attendance:  37  Getting enough nutrition keeps you from taking sick days and missing out
on daily lessons. Eating a healthy breakfast makes you more likely to achieve your daily nutritional goals. This keeps your body strong and less likely to fall ill.
Focus: School is a social network that requires cooperation from students, teachers and staff. 38   Hunger makes you hard to focus and easy to get angry. In contrast, eating a healthy breakfast keeps you focused and cheerful. A 2019 study proved these findings.
Thinking: Food energy and nutrients serve neurological(木申经的) as well as physical body functions. The same 2019 report concluded that eating breakfast regularly affects the brain's blood
sugar requirements and nutritional support. 39 Let alone, these skills are vital to learning and achieving high grades.
Test scores: Balanced nutrition plays a part in testing well. 40 Healthy eating also contributes to better performance on vocabulary tests. You can improve your test scores by eating right every day.
A. You can focus on the test papers.
B. This improves the memory, problem solving and concentration skills.
C. Students who eat breakfast work faster with fewer math and number errors.
D. You can't keep up with homework and tests if you aren't in school every day.
E. While the education individuals receive influence intelligence, so does their food.
F. And your behavior in this environment depends partly on getting to school well fed.
G. A healthy diet can improve your performance in school’s social, physical and mental aspects.
第二节 七选五
36.G  考查上下文逻辑。36空为第一段的最后一句,内容上和第一段其他部分相连。第一段在浅谈饮食对于学生益处大。选项G指出了健康膳食对学生社交,身体和心理上的表现都有帮助,和第一段全段内容相符。同时这几个方面和文章后面细谈膳食的益处是相呼应的。选项G承上启下。干扰项是E,选项E谈到了食物影响个体的智商,但是这个和全文其他信息没有呼应,是单独存在的。
37.D  考查语境理解。第二段谈到饮食影响学生的出勤率。选项D具体说明,如果你无法保证每天到校你就无法跟上作业和考试。
38.F  考查语境理解。根据“School is a social network that requires cooperation from students,  teachers and staff”说明了学校是社交网络,需要多方的通力合作。选项F中的in this environment和这句话相呼应。
39.B  考查语境理解。根据“Let alone, these skills are vital”,文章提及的these skills是特指。选项B中problem solving and concentration skills是具体指代内容,所以B合适。
40.C  考查语境理解。最后一段说明饮食可以帮助提高分数。选项C说明吃早饭的学生在学习中速度更快,并且在数学和数字上错误更少,这个说明了饮食的作用。 40空后一句话“Healthy eating also contributes to better performance on vocabulary tests. ”提到饮食对词汇考试的帮助作用。两句是并列举例,这句中的also也是一个提示词。干扰选项为A,与考试表面有关,但是没有深人分析,也与后句无明显逻辑关系。
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