Goodbye to My Friends With the start of a new year, I’ve been reflecting (回顾) back on the changes I

Goodbye to My Friends
With the start of a new year, I’ve been reflecting (回顾) back on the changes I experienced in 2019. One thing I’ve noticed is that several of my friends moved away last year. Whether back to their home countries or on to new lands, many have left Beijing for good (永远).
As an American living in China, I’ve been to a lot of going-away parties. Living here, I’ve made friends from all over the world – British friends, African friends, and of course my Chinese friends who have come to Beijing from other parts of the country. It’s been great to meet people from so many different countries and cultures.
But more often than not, these friends end up leaving Beijing at one point or another. Many of my Chinese friends have moved abroad to get master’s degrees (硕士学位) at foreign universities. Some of my European friends have moved back to their home countries to start new jobs or settle down (定居). Everyone has their own reason to leave.
When friends leave, it tends to (往往会) give us mixed feelings. On one hand, I’m happy for my friends who start a new chapter in life. But on the other hand, it’s sad to see them go, not knowing when I’ll be able to see them again.
Fortunately, it’s easier than ever these days to stay in touch. v Most of my friends use WeChat. It’s not too hard to get a hold of them online. It’s nice to see how the next chapter of their lives is unfolding (展开). And in a big city like Beijing, there’re always new people to meet and new friends to make. 
1. The author has been to a lot of going-away parties because _____.
A. many of his friends left 
B. he left Beijing in 2019
C. he likes to join parties
D. he wanted to make new friends
2. The underlined phrase “ at one point or another” in Paragraph 3 probably means _____.
A. now and then
B. in the end
C. at the same time
D. over time
3. The author felt _____ about his friends leaving.
A. easy
B. thankful
C. nothing 
D. both happy and sad
4. The author mainly tells us _____ through the story.
A. his sad memories in Beijing
B. part of his experience in 2019
C. what he achieved throughout 2019
D. his recent life in Beijing 

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