
第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35 分)

Last week, my class organized a field trip with the theme “Labor is the most glorious”, from which I gained great happiness of labor.
Last Monday after class, our teacher informed us of the activity to be held at the weekend. Having never experienced labor in the countryside before, we were all filled with excitement and anticipation.
After receiving my parents’ support on my joining in the trip, I got down to packing the suitcase with necessities such as some clothes, towel and so on. Unable to hold back my happiness and wonder, I pictured what was to come next.
The big day came. In high spirits, we threw ourselves heartily into harvesting watermelons as the activity got started. With a twist at the stem and a pull, I successfully picked our first watermelon. One by one, we put the watermelons into the basket. Gathering all my strength while lifting a basket full of watermelons, I suddenly felt a sense of fulfillment that came from labor, and gratitude to the farmers.
Arriving home to a wonderful meal with my parents, I shared my experience in the melon field, for which they praised me a lot. As a city kid, this is the first time that I have ever truly felt the happiness and contentment from labor which pushes our society ahead. From now on, I’m going to do my share of labor work in my home. Labor is indeed the most glorious.

第二节 (20 分)


注意:词数不少于60提示词:西瓜 watermelon


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